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那么,为什么普通投资者还在投注呢?So why do ordinary investors do it?

您的投注可以为任何你喜欢的游戏选择器。Your bet can be for any game you chooser like.

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最新一期开出结果、派彩金额、中奖注数、总投注额。The latest draw, winning result, number of winner.

脸普网似乎对未来几代人投注。Facebook seems to be betting on future generations.

大多数的人在投注站买彩券。Most people bought their tickets at lottery stalls.

你需要一个赌场工作者在比赛里进行高投注。You will need a bookie to place high bettings on matches.

来投注黑红色,犯罪激情统治我的头。Bet the black comes in red, crimes of passion rule my head.

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梅花路和顺龙投注才是我们所要采取的战术。Plum Road Heshun Long Bets is what we want to adopt tactics.

不过你可别急着下届选举在这个上面投注。But don’t bet on that necessarily being at the next election.

凭借一个高级的赌场工作者,你可以进行更高的投注。With a high level of your bookie, you can play high bettings.

该投注者则有五个起草新的价值观的选择。The bettor then has an option of drawing up to five new values.

亚银有太多经费投注在石化能源业。Too much ADB money is still channeled toward fossil fuel energy.

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我猜一般的投注者可能会…依靠掷硬币…I guess the average bettor might as well just, what, flip a coin.

成千上万的人将资金投注于债券和其他负债性产品。Millions of people invest in bonds and other debt-based products.

这个足彩投注系统是我根据自己的经验开发的。Which I'm betting is worth a lot more than anything else in here.

你不想成为一个投注者谁欠的钱给这些人。You don't want to be a bettor who owes money to these individuals.

巴菲特将辞去可口可乐董事,以便投注更多时间在波克夏公司。Buffet will leave Coca Cola's board to spend more time at Berkshire.

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这个足彩投注系统是我根据自己的经验开发的。The betting system is based on their own experiences of development.

要通过当前的投注额比例来估算赔率也很简单。Through the current turnover ratios to estimate odds is very simple.

为什么在正式开奖前几个小时就停止投注?。Why are entries closed a few hours before the official lottery draw?