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她爱的是他的钱和封地。But she loves his money and his lands.

我将不娶妻,不封地,不生子。I shall take no wife, hold no lands, father no babies.

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我将不娶妻,不封地,不生子。Shall take no wife, hold no lands, father no children.

我将不娶妻、不封地、不生子。I shall take no wife, hold no lands, father nochildren.

更封地您上议院有较大的军队,他们可以拥有。The more fiefs Your Lords have the larger army they can have.

杨广前往扬州封地,辞别母后独孤皇后。YangGuang to yangzhou fief, farewell queen mother queen dugu.

孔子再一次拥有得到封地的机会,但却未能实现。Once again, Confucius was to be given land, but it did not happen.

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他通过宣布罗宾已经死亡来达到占有其封地的目的。Rigo had confiscated Robin's ligeance so that he had to move away.

封地会减少,等级制要为超链接让路。Fiefdoms need to fall and hierarchies need to give way to hyperlinks.

那么元代的时候啊是成吉思汗子孙的封地。And in the Yuan Dynasty, it was the fief of Genghis Khan's descendants.

在丽江这样的边远小封地都是这样。This had the effect however on turning areas such as Lijiang into small fiefdoms.

一些地方已经沦为地方党政官员的私人封地。Some localities have degenerated into private fiefdoms run by local party officials.

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回到办公室,杨先生又面临着敌对的封地和苦涩的个人竞争。Back at the office, Mr Yang had to deal with warring fiefs and bitter personal rivalries.

换句话说周的封地没有让国王必须跟从的法定权利。In another word, the fiefs of the Zhou had no legal authority which the king had to follow.

曾经建立了商朝的商族,其始祖契的始封地究在何处?Where is the original feud of the Shang nationality whose ancestor established Shang Dynasty?

魏国王子牟,他的封地在中山,所以大家都称他中山公子牟。Mou, the prince of Wei, received his feudatory in Zhongshan. So, he was called Zhongshan Prince Mou.

那就是某人的封地,而它是印度最腐败的组织之一了。That is a fiefdom operated by one person and one of the most corrupt organizations working in India.

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但公司的老板们就像封建主管理封地一样来管理自己的公司,他们很少通过兼并交易来扩大商业规模。But owners ran their companies like fiefdoms and businesses rarely merged to gain economies of scale.

那时他们地封地韩原,就是如今陕西省韩城县南方地中央。At that time, the fief of the original Korean, is now South Korea County in Shaanxi Province to the south.

封地,封禄税赋的一种来源,如君主赐给皇族成员的领地。A source of revenue, such as land, given by a sovereign for the maintenance of a member of the ruling family.