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她对仆人凶神恶煞似的。She is hell on servants.

在过去他们凶神恶煞般地鱼肉百姓。They were like devils preying on the people in the past.

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中国许多寺庙的入口处,都立着两尊凶神恶煞的门神。Two fierce warriors guard the entrance to many Chinese temples.

不苟言笑、凶神恶煞式的皮尔来自一个长期受暴力侵害的星球——兰尼克。The humorless and fierce Piell hails from Lannik, a planet long plagued by violence.

那几位常客,一群沉默无语、凶神恶煞般的醉鬼,一刻都没有把目光从我身上拿掉。The regulars, a group of silent, pretty grisly-looking drunks, never once took their eyes off me.

睁开眼,妻子张美丽正凶神恶煞地站在我床边,一只手死命地揪着我的耳朵。Open your eyes, a beautiful wife is devils stood beside me, one hand desperately tugged at my ear.

在一家仓库里,天花板上吊着一块又一块巨大的肉,屠夫们站在那一脸凶神恶煞地劈砍牛肉。Inside a warehouse, giant slabs of meat hang from the ceiling and butchers stand about, chopping beef.

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在阿刻戎河上,一位凶神恶煞的老汉卡戎永远在此摆渡新亡灵去冥府,船费为一个硬币。On the river Acheron the surly old man, Charon by name, forever ferried new arrivals across for one coin.

“原来你是有计谋的啊,我说你怎么忽然对我那么好!”男人假装凶神恶煞!"Formerly you have planed it, I know why you treat me so kindly suddenly! "The man pretended to be fierce!

一次,刘昌强通知任某救场,樊金文陪同任某赶来,凶神恶煞,猛打猛冲。Once, Liu Changjiang notice Yim save the market, Fan Jinwen came accompanied by Yim, vicious, play the dash.

“你这个娇生惯养的臭婆娘,”他凶神恶煞似的说,“快给我打扫干净,要不,我要把你踢得屁滚尿流。”"You filthy guinea spoiled brat , " he said venomously. "Clean that up right now or I'll kick the shit out of you. "

整个世界都是这样的。在外办事,以一副友好的姿态出现总比凶神恶煞的样子要好办得多。And so it is th whole world round that if you're nice to people , things will be better off than if you're not nice to them.

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姨夫和姨妈好似凶神恶煞,他们那恶事魔王儿子达力——一个肥胖、娇惯、欺负人的大块头,更是对哈利拳脚相加。Uncle and aunt is like a demon, they represent the evil Lord son Dudley-a obesity, spoil, bullying, but for the big harry his fists.

胡须蜥头部周围的皮肤上长有许多长而尖的附属器官,下颚处也可以鼓起形成一个小袋,让它看上去更凶神恶煞。It has numerous spiky appendages protruding from the skin around its head, and can inflate a pouch under its chin to make itself look more menacing.

如果你将你的角色描绘成凶神恶煞的,又或者你将你角色讲成是个迷人友好的人,NPC对你的角色会有不同的反应。If you describe your character as intimidating and unfriendly, the reactions of NPCs will be different than if you choose to portray yourself as charming and kind.

这本来是超市门口很普通的一幕,可是让老板老刘没想到的是,车上下来的几个人都凶神恶煞般地直冲进店里。It would have been very common scene in front of supermarkets, but the boss did not think old Liu is a few people got out of the vicious camel straight burst into the store.

仆人不巧在集市碰到了凶神恶煞的死神,于是急忙跑回商人那里借了匹马,飞奔到萨马拉城避难去了。While at the market, the servant bumps into Death, who makes a threatening gesture. The servant races back to the merchant, borrows a horse and flees to the city of Samarra for safety.

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1991年弗州布拉登顿的春季训练中,凶神恶煞的邦兹因为摄影记者拍照片而训斥海盗队的一位工作人员,接着又对比尔·维登,一位指导员大发雷霆。In spring training of 1991 in Bradenton, Fla., the nasty Bonds scolded a Pirates official because photographers were taking pictures of him, and then he became testy with Bill Virdon, an instructor.

1991年弗州布拉登顿的春季训练中,凶神恶煞的邦兹因为摄影记者拍照片而训斥海盗队的一位工作人员,接着又对比尔·维登,一位指导员大发雷霆。In spring training of 1991 in Bradenton, Fla. , the nasty Bonds scolded a Pirates official because photographers were taking pictures of him, and then he became testy with Bill Virdon, an instructor.