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往时的事是不可以改造的。You can't change the past.

当他们长驱直往时。While they were driving along.

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往时的善事会给带来报答。Rewards for past good deeds will be yours.

我往时懂拉丁语,此刻大都忘了。Ihave forgotten much of the Latin I once knew.

她回往时请争她给我回个电话。Please ask her to call me back when she's back.

我会遗忘,直到自身不再记起那些往时的事。I will forget. until they no longer remember the past things.

往时的风气及热情早以埋没在时光里了,不知什么时候才能把它们找回。I couldnt say anything but telling that time passes faster than U could imagin.

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对,往时是痛楚的,但我以为要么可以逃避,要么可以向它进修。Yes, the past can hurt. But I think you can either run from it or learn from it.

21岁开始和伊丽莎白交往时,我就和她说了萨利的事,但没有说唐的事情。When I first started seeing Elizabeth, at 21, I told her about Sally but not Don.

真正的友谊如同健康,只有失往时,才会意识到它的价值。True friendship is like sound health . The value of it is seldom known until it is lost.

借用外来词语是一种语言与异质文化交往时不可避免的普遍现象。Loan words arise inevitably when one nation is conducting cultural exchanges with the others.

往时两年,世界经验了上世纪30年代以来最深重的经济危机。During the past two years the world has experienced its deepest economic crisis since the 1930s.

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往时两年,世界经历了上世纪30年代以来最深重的经济危机。During the past two years- the world has experienced its deepest economic crisis since the 1930s.

借用外来词汇是一种语言与异质文化交往时不可避免的普遍现象。Loan words are inevitably a phenomenon common in exchanges between a language and a foreign culture.

他意识到,他以往时时处处为自己着想,从来没有做过别人的好朋友。He realizes that he hasn't been a very good friend because he has always been thinking about himself.

家长们常常试图用以往时代的少年英雄人物来激励孩子努力学习。Parents often try to goad their children into studying hard by using the teenager heroes in the past.

广东这边是不下雪的,但是往时记载曾下过小雪,不过也是寥寥可数的几次。Guangdong side is not snow, but when the record to have been to light snow, but also the very few times.

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他听到那人后面警卫的鸣喊,但当他抬头望往时,那暖狗已经抛向空中了。He heard the commotion of security behind him, and when he looked up, the hot dog already was in the air.

往时的不再抵家,追忆只是苦楚的,如今具有的就是最好的。The past is no longer incredible but painful memories now haudio-videoe is the most requestropridined on.

人们在相互交往时进行语码转换变成了非常普遍的社会语言现象。Code switching has become a widespread phenomenon of social language when people use it to intercommunicate.