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我的叉子掉了。I dropped my fork.

我是要桌面上的叉子。I wanna fock on the table.

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那侍者掉了一把叉子。The waiter dropped a fork.

沙特人说要一件叉子。The Sardar asks for a fork.

他把叉子叉入肉中。He dug a fork into the meat.

我吃牛排时用叉子。I use a fork when leat steak.

我爸爸放下叉子。My father puts down his fork.

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用汤勺喝汤,而不用叉子。We use spoons to eat pudding.

你用一把刀和一去叉子吃饭。You eat with a knife and fork.

叉子叉和移动食物。The forks poked and moved food.

他把叉子戳进鱼里。He thrust the fork into the fish.

也许这把叉子是一个机会。Maybe the fork is an opportunity.

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安用叉子叉起些鱼肉送入口中。Ann forked some fish into her mouth.

晚饭准备好了。你的刀子和叉子。Dinner's ready! Your fors and knives.

晚饭准备好了。你的叉子和餐刀。Dinner's ready. Your forks and knives.

用这个叉子吃饭,食物更美味!Everything tastes better with this fork!

我厨房里有筷子,餐刀,叉子,盘子。I've got chopsticks, knives, forks, plates.

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用叉子把草捆挑到马车上去。Fork the bales and lift them onto the wagon.

只有疯子才会把叉子带到这儿。Only a madman would have brought a fork here.

四十一岁的珊蒂唐娜芬用小孩用的叉子吃东西。Sandy Donovan, 41, eats with a kid-size fork.