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霍罗汉变得面红耳赤,激动极了。Mr. holohan became very red and excited.

他和老板争得面红耳赤。He has a competive quarrel with his boss.

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他和老板争得面红耳赤。He argued with the boss until he was blue in the face.

基特和杰克逊的观点一样,我们常常争得面红耳赤。Kit shared his views and we had a lot of good arguments.

他赞美着尼基的美貌,使她羞得面红耳赤。Nikki began to feel abashed by his praise of her beauty.

你可以和老板讨论事情,甚至可以争得面红耳赤。You can talk things over, or even argue, with your boss.

罗斯托夫面红耳赤,把多洛霍夫喊到另一间房里。Rostov flushing hotly drew Dolohov away into the other room.

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面红耳赤的科莱特再也支吾不出什么了。Red in the face, Klaette no longer has prevaricated anything.

女孩说完就翩然离开了,剩下男子面红耳赤地站在原地。The girl said, and fly away, man left to stand in situ flushed.

我们一起讨论问题,为一道难题争得面红耳赤,各不相让。We discuss problems, for a problem was flushed and conflicting.

俗话说,夫妇吵得面红耳赤之时,便是律师招财进宝之日。The maxim was that when a married couple saw red lawyers saw green.

这个结婚照画得真是让我面红耳赤。This wedding shines on to paint really make me redden up to the ears.

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我们大家都不难想象奥巴马和希拉里争得面红耳赤的样子。It is all too easy to imagine Mr Obama and Mrs Clinton disagreeing messily.

火终于扑灭,但妻子却成了面红耳赤的泪美人。The fire was finally extinguished, but she was still a blushing beauty in tears.

的腿,一时之间,只见他手脚横飞、面红耳赤。Of leg, momentary, sees his hand and foot horizontal to fly, blush up to the ears.

在其他地方,他说,仅是在自己的家里,针锋相对的观点和面红耳赤的争论早已经习以为常。Everywhere else, he says, even in his own home, polarized and heated views are the new norm.

还经常看到两夫妇为了买什么款式的灯具而争得面红耳赤,最后不欢而散。To see the two couples often buy what style lamps and head turned, the last part on bad terms.

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在微软撒手之后,他们面红耳赤,想不出什么理由来抚慰股东。After Microsoft lets go, their be flushed, do not want to give what reason to come placatory partner.

最后,我估计他是觉得我的面红耳赤和可怜巴巴的絮叨是如此可怕,于是反过来开始同情我。In the end, I think he found my beetroot face and pathetic jabbering so dreadful he felt sorry for me.

他是一个善于辩论的人,他那有意的讽刺击中要害,他的对手被攻得面红耳赤。He was a skilful debater , and his calculated sarcasm went home. His opponent flushed under the attack.