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他专攻物理。He majors in physics.

物理是他的主修科目。Physics is his major.

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物理是他的主修科目。Physics was his major.

物理是他的主修科目。His major is chemistry.

我物理考试又挂了。I failed in physic exam.

星期五我们上物理课。We have physics on Friday.

原子物理是我的专业。Nuclear Physics is my major.

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物理课很有趣。Physics is very interesting.

新高中物理科词汇。NSS Physics Curriculum's term.

我想学原子物理。I want to study atomic physics.

在黉舍我喜欢上物理课。I enjoy physics class at school.

这在物理上是讲得通的。So this is making physical sense.

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这在物理里是确定的。That is nonnegotiable in physics.

我们今天有物理课吗?。Shall we have physics class today?

我们所说的物理物质究竟为何物呢?What do we mean by physical stuff?

你们已经得到了物理常量表。You've got the table of constants.

物理主义者也相信人有心灵Physicalists also believe in minds.

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完成高三的物理和英语。Senior 3-level Physics and English.

在物理中你可能已经见到过。Maybe you have seen that in physics.

所有的物理理论都包含两部分All of physics is a two-part program.