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就像魔法一样。It’s like magic.

一扇门,一扇魔法门。A door. A magic door.

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我有一块魔法石!I have a magic stone!

猿人的魔法书!The Bape Magic Book !

本人有一本魔法书。I have a magical book.

魔法攻击异兽。"animals" attack magic.

鸡血石的魔法。The magic in the stones.

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魔法物品都是未鉴定的。magical stuff is un ided.

加黑黑黑到你的魔法力池中。Add BBB to your mana pool.

魔法已尽忘。Magic was quite forgotten.

魔法门进不去游戏。Magic cannot go in playing.

我应该回到魔法书中。I shall return to the texts.

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魔药、魔法书。The potions, the spellbooks.

不再有符石魔法了。There will be no rune magic.

对魔法的迷信仍存在着。Belief in magic still exists.

这就是那块施过魔法的盘子。This is the plate that hexed.

我们都是我们自己的魔法床。We are all our own magic bed.

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不过,植入并非魔法。Still, implants are not magic.

欢迎进入魔法门的世界!Welcome to this magical world!

啊,神奇的古老凯尔特人的魔法。Ah, that good old Celtic magic.