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看看我的陈情书!Read my petition!

录音情书。An audiotape letter.

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给她写封不长的情书。Write her a short love letter.

他烧掉了所有她的情书。He burned up all her love letters.

但情书则是恒常的见证But Billet-doux are constant Witnesses

不过我倒是可以解释一下为什么我要手写那封情书。I can explain a bit why I handwrote it.

最重要的是,记住,情书是私信。Most of all, remember that it's private.

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所以为什么不去尝试给对方写封情书呢?So why not write each other love letters.

妳收到的那封情书写得真甜蜜。That love letter you received is so sweet.

这是一份珍妮特亲笔写的情书。It was a love note, in Janet's handwriting.

许多人问,我要建设一份陈情书。Many people ask, I want to make a petition.

对于这些情书,颜姝从没正眼看过。For these letters, Yan Shu never really seen.

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其实最催泪的情书是聊天记录。In fact, the most tear is a love letter chats.

这是情书,当然是因为我爱她了。It's a love letter, surely because I loved her.

她手里怎么会有他的情书呢?How could a love-letter from him be in her hand?

为我寄上一封情书,用你的吻封上信口。I send a love letter, sealed off with your kiss.

男人们送来鲜花,写来情书,主动向她奉献财产。Men sent flowers, love notes, offers of fortune.

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情书都是用最温柔的形式写的老一套东西。Mash notes were old affairs in their mildest form.

其实最催泪的情书,是我们的聊天记录。Actually the tear of the love letter, is our chats.

一封适时的情书可以停止情侣间的争吵。A timely billet-doux can patch up a lovers' quarrel.