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如果人们的平均寿命是45岁Well, it was fairly low, right?

现在的平均寿命已达到75。5岁。Life expectancy is now 75.5 years.

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非洲象的平均寿命大约为70年。African elephants average about 70 years.

被人掳获的平均寿命为两年。In captivity, two years is the average span.

黑脉金斑蝶的平均寿命是9个月。The average monarch lives about nine months.

我喜欢的一个指标是平均寿命。One of my favorite metrics is life expectancy.

平均寿命从46岁增加到了48.5岁。Life expectancy increased from 46 to 48.5 years.

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安全电压,使用方便,平均寿命1000小时。Safety voltage, use is convenience, Average life is 1000h.

由于生活舒适,此地女性的平均寿命高达94岁。It's so comfortable that female life expectancy here is 94.

上校告诉你们飞行员的平均寿命有多长吗?Captain tell you the life expectancy for pilots around here?

苏门答腊猩猩的平均寿命在40到50岁。A typical life span for Sumatran orangutans is 40 to 50 years.

其中四个郡县男人和女人的平均寿命相同。Four of the five counties are the same for both men and women.

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又或者,你仅仅只是一个存在,只活到了平均寿命。Or, do you merely exist, just getting by with an average life.

用右手的人平均寿命比左撇子要长大约9年。Right-handers live, on average, nine years longer than lefties.

日本同时也是女性平均寿命最长的国家,为86岁。Japan also tops world life expectancy list for women with 86 years.

就全球而言,女子的平均寿命比男子要长六到八年。On average, women live six to eight years longer than men globally.

而人类的平均寿命是70岁左右,你在17岁时会衰老吗?Man has an average lifespan of 70 years or so. Are you feeble at 17?

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熊猫在野外的平均寿命是14-20年。更短。更快乐?A panda's average life span in the wild is 14-20 years. Shorter. Happier?

随着人们平均寿命的增加,阿耳茨海默症的影响范围也在扩大。As average life- expectancies rise, so will the incidence of the disease.

我们可以向经理报告,该公司所产电瓶平均寿命是36个月。We would report that the mean life of the company's batteries is36months.