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别怪我,因为你是自讨苦吃。Don't blame me,cause you asked for it.

人们为什么要“自讨苦吃”?"Why do people" brought this upon ourselves?

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你向他挑战是自讨苦吃。You is asking for trouble if you challenge him.

假如你在雾天去爬山,你是在自讨苦吃。If you climb mountain in fog, you are asking for it.

她是在自讨苦吃,不久她就会真遇上麻烦的。She's asking for trouble and she'll get it before long.

如果你在这样的下雨天不穿外衣出去,那真是自讨苦吃。You're asking for trouble if you go out in this rain without a coat.

尝试去控制或去改变我们不能控制的事物只会带来自讨苦吃的结果。Trying to control or to change what we can't only results in torment.

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总体来看,当前美国的债务危机很大程度上属于自讨苦吃。In general, the current U.S. debt crisis is largely a self imposed one.

老板似乎在生气。现在找他谈话是自讨苦吃。The boss seems to be annoyed. To talk to him now is to ask for trouble.

你再上诉,那简直就是自讨苦吃。In appealing the case again, you will just be kicking against the pricks.

你自讨苦吃!我告诉你他没有那么好。你根本不信我的话。You asked for it! I told you she wasn't that good. You didn't believe me.

如果你这样摆弄危险的化学品,那就是自讨苦吃。If you play with dangerous chemicals like that you're just asking for trouble.

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我会把钱放在火铲里烧热,热得灼伤他们的手指,让他们自讨苦吃。I'll make the money so hot in the fire-shovel that it shall burn their fingers.

如果在一年前,她就会瞪着他,告诉他这样做是想自讨苦吃。A year ago she would have looked him in the eye and told him he was on thin ice.

依我之见,在那家新公司投资的任何人都是在自讨苦吃。In my opinion, anyone who invests money in that new company is riding for a fall.

一位身着皮茄克的少年从人群中挤过去,真是自讨苦吃。A teenager in a leather jacket jostled his way through crowd, looking for trouble.

挑战这类的益智游戏看来像是自讨苦吃,但却总有人愿意这么做。Taking on such a puzzle might seem masochistic, but people willingly do so all the time.

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你自讨苦吃!我告诉过你他是个畜生!你非要亲自去见识见识!所以说,把他甩了吧!You asked for it! I told you he was a beast! You wanted to see him yourself! So, dump him!

他指出,因为没有对这个问题采取行动,英国国民健康服务体系正在“自讨苦吃”。He says that by not acting to tackle the problem, the NHS is making "a rod for its own back".

对于一个正在工业化的国家而言,忽视妇女行为无异于自讨苦吃。For an industrialising nation to neglect women is akin to fighting with one limb tied behind your back.