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观众们鼓掌的频率放慢了。They clap slowly.

视频,电视频率?。VDF? ViDeo Frequency?

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港台工作频率为8.7768兆赫。RTHK frequency of 8.7768 MHz.

最大输入频率10kHz时。Maximum input frequency 10kHz.

这是角频率。That is the angular frequency.

旋进的频率上升了。The precession frequency goes up.

你查收邮件的频率是多少?How often do you check your email?

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开关频率为800千赫。The switching frequency is 800 kHz.

电压频率变换器?。VFC?Voltage to Frequency Converter?

人们经历涌流的频率如何?How often do people experience flow?

双低功率频率合成器。Dual low-power frequency synthesizer.

因为妳你锚定频率,保持住光。Anchor the frequency. Hold your light.

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这感觉就像心跳频率被毫不犹豫的吃定。Feeling like kanye ate away heart rates?

最为理想的频率是50赫兹。The ideal frequency is that of 50 hertz.

热浪发生的频率正在加快。The frequency of heatwaves is increasing.

第三阶段是频率调整。The stage of 3th is frequency adjustment.

这项研究没有用“欺凌“这个词,相反,学生们被问之在过去的那些年里”有意义的事情“发生的频率。The study didn't use the term "bullying."

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这个ω我们叫做,角频率。This omega we call the angular frequency.

电子杂志的文章中出现的频率最高。Ezine articles appear the most frequently.

你是否曾经遇过频率与你最相似的人?。Frequency is that I do know your language.