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他的鼻尖上翘。His nose is tiptilted.

它吹疼了我的脚趾和鼻尖。It stings the toes and bites the nose.

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当你洗泡泡浴时泡沫会弄到鼻尖上吗?Then sink to your nose in a bubble bath?

雪花片片落在鼻尖,落在睫毛上。Snowflakes that stay on my nose and eyelashes.

你能把一根棍子放在你的鼻尖上使之保持平衡吗?Can you balance a stick on the end of your nose?

你能将一支铅笔放在鼻尖上使之保…Can you balance a pencil on the end of your nose?

如果你看着你的鼻尖,你的两眼就向一点集中。If you look at the end of your nose, your eyes converge.

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一副眼镜架在他的鼻尖上。A pair of spectacles is perched near the end of his nose.

一副眼镜架在他的鼻尖上。A pair of spectacles was perched near the end of his nose.

眼睛闭上十分之九,注意力集中在鼻尖。With the eyes nine-tenths closed, focus at the tip of your nose.

他大汗淋漓,有一滴从鼻尖滴了下去,差点滴到维修工的靴子上。The sweat drips from his nose and narrowly misses the man’s boot.

他看见裘莉亚毫不掩饰她的好奇,端起杯子送到鼻尖闻。He saw Julia pick up her glass and sniff at it with frank curiosity.

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猫咪站起来后,从它小鼻尖到尾巴尖总共有123.2厘米长。He stretches 123.2 centimeters from the tip of his tail to his nose.

鼻尖的软骨支架可以看成一个三脚架。The cartilaginous framework of the tip has been described as a tripod.

从后脑到止部的距离等于从止部到鼻尖的距离。Distance from occiput to stop equal to distance from stop to tip of nose.

这是一例缩小鼻背和略调整鼻尖的例子。This is the case to reduce the nasal dorsum and adjust the nasal tip slightly.

这些研究还表明,脂肪去除可能会危及鼻尖血供。These studies have also shown that defatting may jeopardize the nasal tip supply.

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纯色的头部,从鼻尖开始,脸中间有一道白筋的是首选。A clearly defined white blaze and noseband are preferred to a solidly marked head.

鼻梁很直,从止部到鼻尖成轻微的锥形。The bridge of the muzzle is straight. Muzzle tapers slightly from stop to nose tip.

目的探讨在颜面以外的部位寻找合适的供皮瓣区修复鼻尖、鼻小柱缺损。Objective To seek new skin flap donor sites beyond face to repair deformity of nose.