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我讨厌行李。I hate luggage.

什么样子的行李?What kind of baggage?

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还有没有别的行李?Are there any baggages?

这些个是您的行李吗?。Bre these your baggage?

我把行李寄存在存包处了。I've checked my bag in.

好的,我交超重行李费就行了。Ok , I will pay for it.

哪个行李是您的?Welke baggage is van u?

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这些都是你的行李吗?。Are these your baggages?

我找不着非主流闪图行李了。I can't find my baggage.

这就是我的行李。This is my very baggage.

这些行李都是我的。All this luggage is mine.

这些行李全是你的吗?Are these bags all yours?

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这是您的行李单。上海轿车托运。Here's your luggage bill.

哎悟净,我们的行李呢?Hey Monk, our luggage it?

你们的行李都齐了吗?Is all your luggage here?

行李都齐了吗?Is that all your luggage?

这个行李真重。This luggage is so heavy.

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你有手提的行李吗?。Have you any hand-luggage?

可以,把行李放在称上。How about my hand-baggage.

这件行李我不托运。I wont check this baggage.