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岁月在他的脸上刻印了很多皱纹。Age stamped his face with lines.

将这些细节深深地刻印在你的记忆里。Impress them strongly on your memory.

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有需要印石和代为刻印者,请与我联系。Please contact me bye-mail given below.

感情刻印在一切事物之上,穿越空间。Feelings in above all things, through space.

影线在书画刻印艺术中用于表示阴影部分的细线。Fine lines used in graphic arts to show shading.

你是那么的清晰。如此生动的刻印在我的脑海里。I can see you clearly. vividly emblazon in my mind.

毕业晚会上同学们的笑脸,至今还刻印在他的记忆里。The smiles of his classmates at the graduation party are engraved in his mind.

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但是现在,这对全人类寻求神圣事务的大声召唤则已经深深地刻印在我的记忆中了。But this calling out of the human spirit to the divine is imbedded in my memory now.

如今,印章被广为使用,刻印艺术也比以往更为普及。Nowadays, chops are broadly used and the art of engraving is more popular than ever.

科学家们一直无法确定伊特鲁里亚人的刻印文字的意思。Scientists have Been unable to determine signification of most Etruscan inscriptions.

我就那样呆着,看着,听着,把一切的一切都刻印在记忆中。But months later I still remember just standing there, watching, listening, taking it all in.

假若人世终会变迁,那只好造一处不变刻印镶入我对这世间的憧憬。If the world will change, it had to build a constant signet inserted into the world of dreams for me.

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通过卡上刻印的字母和浮凸的数字可以识别持卡人和发卡银行。The cardholder and the issuing bank are identified both by lettering and by embossed numbers on the card.

洞内神秘的气氛中仍保存着一些简单易懂的刻印文字。It is cloaked with legends which is actually easy to understand judging from the mysterious atmosphere inside.

刻印方式中元代、北元及清代为木刻板,民国时期铅印最多。Printing in the Yuan Dynasty, and Yuan and Qing Dynasty are mostly wood panels, the largest Republican stereotype.

一是校团委成批打造的包装考究的“青花瓷”笔,上面刻印着学校的番号和祝福语。One is to build school packaging exquisite" blue and white porcelain" pen, printed above school designation and blessing.

任何主观行为背后都隐藏着一种价值判断,戏曲刊刻印行自然也不例外。There is always a kind of value judgment hiding behind any subjective action, and the publication of opus is no exception.

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摘要任何主观行为背后都隐藏着一种价值判断,戏曲刊刻印行自然也不例外。There is always a kind of value judgment hiding behind any subjective action , and the publication of opus is no exception.

任何主观行为背后都隐藏着一种价值判断,戏曲刊刻印行自然也不例外。There is always a kind of value judgment hiding behind any subjective action, and the publication of opera is no exception.

巧克力被玛雅人视为珍宝和神灵,只有它依然刻印着玛雅王国的往日辉煌。Chocolate was regarded as jewelry and jinni of Maya, and it is the only one which still countermark the former brilliance of Maya.