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狗发怒,毛发倒竖,显出一副好斗的凶相。The dog was angry and bellicosely bristled up.

还是,你能预测到未来走向?你能看到风暴来袭的凶相?Can you predict the future? can you see storms, coming?

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他装出一副凶相,实际上是个好心肠的人。He pretends to be very tough, but he's a kind man at bottom.

这个水手长助手是个秃顶,面带伤疤和凶相的大力士。The bos'n's mate was a heavy man, bald, with a scarred and brutal face.

不同于传统意义上的猎豹,扎库米的长相和蔼可亲,毫无凶相。Unlike the traditional sense of Leopard, Zakumi has amiable appearance.

如果你看见它们躺在阳光下,你就不会看到它们露出如此的凶相。You wouldn't expect them to be so fierce, if you saw them lying in the sun.

如果一个凶相位,接下来是一个吉相位,那么损失最后可能会转向有利的一面。If followed by a good aspect, the disadvantage may finally turn into an advantage.

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是因为它太弱小了,而又可爱的缘故吗,所以不愿在杀它到来的那一瞬间前面露凶相?Is the reason it too weak and cute to we want not show our bloodiness before kill it ?

索洛佐坐在餐桌的对面,他那乌黑的脸上露出了一副像劫掠成性的秃鹫的凶相。Sollozzo sat across the kitchen table from him. His dark face had a peculiarly vulturine look.

这位白发军官双目炯炯有神,眉宇间露出一副执拗的凶相。The elderly white-haired officer had the gnarled and menacing brow and blazing, powerful eyes.

此时的小虎只会本能地紧鼻龇牙,面露凶相,并以尖声的吼叫吓退来犯者。Baby tiger at this stage will instinctively bare its teeth, tighten its nose and bark to scare off invaders.

教室有十大凶相之地,此就不一一说明。有兴趣者可以留贴问之。Classroom has ten dangerous places, this not a description. Interested candidates can leave the stick asked.

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她的病脑完全不能了解当时的事,她以为他是为了她来的,她受不了那副凶相。Her ailing brain comprehended nothing, but the only thing which she did not doubt was that he had come to get her.

看守监狱的人一脸凶相,极为恶劣。他心想,明天会被拖出去枪毙。He was sure that from the contemptuous looks and rough treatment he received from his jailers he would be executed the next day.

海丝特抓住珠儿,强把她拉进自己的怀里,面对着那几乎是满险凶相的清教徒长官。Hester caught hold of Pearl, and drew her forcibly into her arms, confronting the old Puritan magistrate with almost a fierce expression.

“不行。”第四个食死徒厉声说道。他满脸横肉,一副凶相。“我们有命令的。必须让德拉科动手。好了,德拉科,快行动吧。”"No, " said the fourth Death Eater sharply. He had a heavy, bru-tal-looking face. "We've got orders. Draco's got to do it. Now, Draco, and quickly. "

此凶相皆以国内大学居多,多少学子无缘大学,而望之校门而远离。则以存之怨念。This company are all in domestic universities for the majority, how many students at school, and university of from. Criterion with kept with hatred to read.

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大家明智地给了他一个宽敞的铺位,因为他一脸凶相,带着喜欢实施暴力的人的那种傲慢的神情,还嚼着牙签。We sensibly gave him wide berth, for he was a dangerous-looking man, chewing a toothpick with the arrogant sullenness of one who is willing to commit violence.

举例来说,五年前,如今已经是西苏格兰大学心理学教授的布罗迪让46位参与者做讲演,讲演由于面对的是一位面露凶相的听众而变得令人窒息。For example, five years ago, Brody, now a professor of psychology at the University of the West of Scotland, asked 46 people to give a stressful speech to a nasty audience.

这是一句很平常的话,但是她说这话时的风度却吸引了观众,他们开心地嘲笑着假装凶相、威严地站在这个年轻女人面前的国王。It was a trivial thing to say, and yet something in the way she did it caught the audience, which laughed heartily at the mock-fierce potentate towering before the young woman.