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这种钙化地貌是最多的,绵延不断。This elaborate calcium formation is the largest of its kind, spreading miles and miles.

中华文明是世界上唯一从古至今绵延不断的文化。Chinese civilization is the world only civilization without interruption from ancient to modern.

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北朝诗中的风意象数量不多,但有着质朴刚健的独特风格,它们与西晋以来绵延不断的悲情风意象一起,代表了此期风意象传统的一面。The number of wind imagery in the North Dynasty's poems was not very much , but had its own naivete style.

中国历史上曾爆发过起义和革命。它们在中国文明的绵延不断中发挥什么作用?。But there have been revolts and revolutions. What role do they play in the continuity of Chinese culture. '?

然后孩子的孩子也会在那儿,这样就有个绵延不断,所以以一种微妙的方式,我将会不朽。And then his child will be there and there will be a continuity. So in a subtle sense, I will have immortality.

后因故歇业,但稻香村开创的北京南味食品派系代代相传,绵延不断。After termination, but for a fragrance drifting village NaWei food factions in Beijing from generation to generation, continues.

海洋又意味着绵延不断的嵯峨岩石和阳光灿烂的白色海滩,每到夏天千百万人从城市来到这里渡假。The sea also means long stretches of jagged rock and gleaming white beaches to which millions of city people go on summer holidays.

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若能够抵御海浪的红树林和草地被其他物种所替代,低地上绵延不断的植被将遭到根本性破坏。Vegetation in large stretches of lowland can be hurt substantially as saltwater-tolerant mangroves and grasses take over from other species.

要让传统文化绵延不断,必须从小学抓起,特别是小学语文教育。To make the tradition culture continuing have to learn education to start to grasp since the childhood, especially primary school language education.

清王朝入主中原之后,处在汉族人民汪洋大海般的包围之中,各地的反清斗争绵延不断,使得清王朝的统治者十分棘手。Since the Qing Dynasty came to rule the Central Plains in 1644, the non-stopping Anti-Qing struggles started by Han people caused much trouble to the Qing rulers.

中原地区绵延不断的文化留下了丰富的文物资源,各种古文化遗址分布广泛,为遥感考古提供了众多意义重大的研究和实验课题。The thousands continuous cultures left rich recourses of relics in center area of China, which provide lots of important projects of researching and experimenting.

独立的女人心是累的,但生活是充实的完美的,懂得如何调整生活享受生活,怀着一抹宁静的淡雅内敛的奢华,让享受的幸青岛招聘网福绵延不断。Independent woman heart is tired, but life is full of perfect, know how to adjust life enjoy life, with a quiet and introverted luxury, enjoy happiness continuously.

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中国基本上只存在着一种传统,这一传统与中国古老的文明一样漫长而绵延不断,呈现出“连续性”的发展态势。There has been basically only one tradition in China, as long as the ancient Chinese civilization, continuous and undisrupted, displaying a tendency of "continuity".

剪纸的创作者对待富足与幸福,总是怀有着坚定乐观的信念,绵延不断的希望,剪纸正是他们创造美好生活理想的外在呈现。Paper-cut creator treat rich and happy, always have a firm optimistic conviction, endless hope, paper-cut exactly what they created the good life ideal external appear.

到了中午,身穿套装的求职者又要忍受高温,结果20人中暑,绵延不断的人龙更导致亚特兰大西南部交通大挤塞。By noon, wearing a suit job-seekers have to endure high temperatures, the results of 20 heat, endless stretches of queues even lead to southwest Atlanta traffic congestion.

这些美丽的岛屿包括绵延不断的克利夫兰山脉,一座最近被广泛关注活火山,人们担心火山所喷出的灰尘是否会影响到北美地区部分的飞机飞行状况。The islands contain restless Mt. Cleveland, an active volcano currently being watched to see if it emits an ash cloud that could affect air travel over parts of North America.

这个湖近几年才刚形成,就是因为冰川融水,融化的冰川水顺着山脉绵延不断,然后在此处形成了湖水。This lake has been formed in the last couple of years because of the melting of the glacier. The glacier's gone all the way up the mountain and left in its place this big lake.

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地球开始患上感冒的病症了,它开始发烧,这是为什么呢?就因为无良厂商任由工厂排出绵延不断的黑烟。Thee earth began to suffer from the disease of the cold, it began to have a fever, is this why? Just because unscrupulous manufacturers of black smoke that is at the factory continues.

我的母亲给予我们的爱,一直是我们家庭绵延不断的动力。最令我欣慰的是,在我自己的女儿们身上,我看到了我母亲所拥有的,她的诚信,她的爱心以及她的智慧。My mother's love has always been a sustaining force for our family, and one of my greatest joys is seeing her integrity, her compassion, and her intelligence reflected in my own daughters.