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头盖骨烛台?Cranium candelabra?

把蜡烛放在烛台上。Put the candle in the candleholder.

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一个搭钮的盘子凸起来构成烛台。A hinged tray folds out to hold a candle.

现在,亲爱的大烛台,你怎麽想?Now, dear Candelabrum, what do you think?

空红酒瓶被用作烛台。Empty wine bottles served as candlesticks.

你有适合这跟蜡烛的烛台吗?Do you have a candleholder for this candle?

没有,先生,只有烛台在地板上。No, sir, only the candlestick on the ground.

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蜡烛在烛台上淌著蜡。The candle was guttering in the candlestick.

我花了五百元买这个烛台!I got this candlestick for five hundred dollars!

蜡烛的底端与烛台熔在一起。The bottom of the candle is fused with its holder.

苏珊也不愿意去点亮她的烛台。She really didn't want to light her menorah either.

我看到了你窗台上的烛台,然后就哭了起来。I saw that menorah in your window and I started to cry.

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我看到了在你窗台上那个烛台,马上就哭了。I saw that menorah in your window and I started to cry.

拿勺子敲敲那铜烛台,能敲出清脆的响声。When hit with a spoon, the brass candlestick will ring.

也可以把酒瓶盖上设置烛台。A candlestick can be also arranged on a wine bottle cap.

在一边是一个有七条分支的灯柱或是烛台。And then on one side a seven-branched lampstand or menorah.

您为什么没有把那对烛台和餐具一同带去呢?Why did you not carry them away with your forks and spoons?

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他把信藏在烛台下面,闭上了眼睛。He put the letter under the candlestick and closed his eyes.

这时残烛落入了烛台孔中,烛芯熄灭了。Here the socket of the candle dropped, and the wick went out.

莫妮卡住处,乔伊挚着点亮蜡烛的烛台进来。Monica's apartment joey enters with a menorah the candles lit.