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你喜欢趁机混水摸鱼。You delight to fish in troubled waters.

你要打铁趁热,趁机行事。You should strike while the iron is hot.

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凶犯趁机逃进了附近的一个楼梯间。The assailant fled down a nearby stairwell.

斯科菲尔德和林肯趁机拿着钱走开了。Scofield and Lincoln ran away with the money.

我很乐意躲开这种公司趁机掠取现金的行为。I’m always happy to avoid a corporate cash grab.

他就设法怎样趁机会把耶稣交出。And he sought a way to deliver Him up opportunely.

小绿鼠趁机也跑了。Little Green Mouse took the opportunity to have gone.

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他们引发了一场科多践踏事件误导恐怖图腾,趁机逃离。They cause a kodo stampede to distract the Grimtotem and escape.

包奕凡趁机请安迪吃饭,特别提到一并请她的邻居们。BaoYi whoever took Andy to have a meal, please noted please her neighbors.

与女伯爵独处的奥里维尔趁机示爱。Alone with the countess, Olivier seizes the opportunity to declare his love.

瑞秋不知道该以朋友的身份安慰他,还是趁机下手。Rachel tries to decidewhether to comfort him as a friend, or to make a move.

丽人让李昂倒水,天娜趁机问丽人有没有什么想给喻威说的。Beauty let Leon water, Tina the chance to ask beauty what want to YuWei said.

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陈天放投鼠忌器,不敢稍动,神谷趁机逃离。Chen Tianfang felt that dared not move, Kamiya took the opportunity to escape.

鹭鸶趁机偷袭割稻机惊动的虫子,同时间,燕子也飞著猎食。Egrets stalk insects flushed by the harvesters, while swallows hunt on the wing.

让孩子就一幅画多讲几遍,可趁机教一些表达词汇。Give children a picture talk several times, can teach some expressive vocabulary.

数百万人在打仗捐躯,而奸商们却趁机发不义之财。While millions were fighting and dying, the profiteers were lining their pockets.

还有,如果同学们都用英语做自我介绍的话,你还可以趁机锻炼一下听力哦。I wish I could be a pilot in the future. I am open-minded. I like to make friends.

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想趁机出名的人比恶作剧的人更常破坏艺术品。More often it's not pranksters who slash art but self-promoters with a supposed cause.

萨迪克趁机当众恳求伊明为自己向乌斯曼求情放了自己的未婚妻。SaDiKe take public pleas YiMing to intercede with usman for myself to put his fiancee.

伍永和也趁机提出想见见陆云龙与小川。WuYongHe also taken advantage of the proposed would like to see his concept and ogawa.