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该表未注明日期。That form is undated.

他注明他的报道发自纽约。He datelines his reports New York.

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请在支票上注明今天的日期。Please date the check as of today.

汽车登记注明车主为拉尔夫·霍奇斯。The car was registered to Ralph Hodges.

请注明是否需要夹持器。Please regard that a holder is required.

如果是散装货,应注明“散装”。If goods are not packed, state "in bulk".

我们需要有注明吸湿排干功能的吊牌。And need hangtag of this WICKING or BODY DRY.

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以后你给我写信时请注明日期。Please date your letters to me in the future.

3注明发挥最高卡片赢了!失败者条!Cuties Play a highest card wins! Loser strips!

您把损坏情况注明在提货单上了没有?Did you note the damage on the bill of lading?

信封面请注明「申请职位」。Please mark "Post Application" on the envelope.

请注明所提到的货物为R9是。Please specify the mentioned shipment is for R9.

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不过,使用这些资料需要恰当地注明来源。Use of such material requires a proper citation.

女申请者是否怀孕?如是,注明最后月经日期。Female applicant pregnant if yes date of L. M. P.

女申请者是否怀孕?如是,注明最后月经日期。Female applicant pregnant if yes, date of L. M. P.

卡尔·马克思引用了勃朗的话,但他没注明出自勃朗。Karl Marx quoted Blanc, but he didn't credit Blanc.

请在申请书上注明你的职业。Please list your occupation on the application form.

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流程表是否已注明过程中的每一步骤?Are flow charts identifying each step in the process?

注明的日期是1640年,由两个伟大的印第安人在上面签了字。It's dated 1640, and it's signed by two great Indians.

订货时请在编号后注明精度,碳钢加“C”。Plaese Mark Reading and Carbon add "C". after Item No.