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我很喜欢听他的奇谈怪论。I enjoy listening to his yarns.

我将介绍一下我在纽约听到的一些奇谈怪论。I shall report some of the strange remarks I heard in New York.

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奇谈怪论的例子容易受到带有偏见的选择的批评。Anecdotal instances are open to the criticism of biased selection.

赶紧收起你的那些奇谈怪论,我们并不想听。Don't talk about your ridiculous arguments, we don't want to hear them.

博物馆里的一幅画听到的奇谈怪论比世界上其他任何东西听到的都多。A painting in a museum hears more ridiculous opinions than anything else in the world.

同时,文章对在研究国史问题上的种种奇谈怪论进行了简要评析。Finally, this paper briefly analyzes various types of absurd arguments of studying national history.

后来在一个罕见的儿科癌症病例中有过这种记录,但被当作奇谈怪论而遭摒弃。Then it was documented in a rare pediatric cancer, but was dismissed as something peculiar to that cancer.

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鉴于世界人口以前所未有的规模向城市涌动,宣布城市即将消亡,似为奇谈怪论。WITH people heading for cities as never before, it may seem an odd moment to be announcing their impending demise.

梅森没有在自己的公开信中谈论这些问题,相反,信里充斥着推销股票和企业发展的奇谈怪论。None of this is in Mason's letter. Instead there's all kind of odd language about selling out, bumpy rides and fire dancing.

然而,跟虚构相比,在沙拉克消化系统中经受“千年”折磨的奇谈怪论也许更像事实。The fanciful tale of a "thousand year" torment inside the Sarlacc's digestive system may be more fact than fiction, however.

最后,日蚀或者月食的时候,并不意味着你会生出畸形的宝宝。这些奇谈怪论应该丢入历史的垃圾堆!And, finally, going outside when you're pregnant during an eclipse will not give your baby a cleft palate . But you probably already knew that.

在德国商业报的一奇谈怪论专栏里报道了中国外交部副部长抱怨德国媒体傲慢地指责中国。In a bizarre column for Handelsblatt, a business newspaper, China's vice-foreign minister complained of "arrogant accusations" by the German press.

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联合国、企业界和各国政府正在合作制定务实的投资指南,以破除这些国家没有投资机会的奇谈怪论。The UN, business and governments are working together on practical investment guides which dispel the myth that there are no investment opportunities in these countries.