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由于年久失修那个古庙的屋顶塌了。The roof of that ancient temple caved in because of bad maintenance.

现代的医学教育就像是一艘年久失修的船体,任何时刻都有可能沉没。At present medical education is a patched-up old hull that could sink at any time.

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但是一些神圣的宏伟建筑却因年久失修而正在日益斑驳。But some of these hallowed edifices are crumbling and in desperate need of repair.

我必须要说一件事——所有尼泊尔国内班机都年久失修。I have to say one thing- all domestic flights in Nepal are dilapidated and beyond repair.

连日来的滂沱大雨以及年久失修是造成这个土筑大坝决堤的原因。Days of torrential rains and a lack of maintenance were blamed for the earthen dam breaking.

因年久失修,腰檐、塔顶及塔刹已毁,塔身向北倾斜。Because of disrepair, lumbar canopies, the top and Tasha has destroyed the north tower tilted.

那是一栋很漂亮的小房子,有一个非常宽敞、年久失修的谷仓,房前的斜坡上是成片的庄稼地,直延伸至远处的森林里。It was a brave little house with a big, tumbledown barn and fields that sloped into forests beyond.

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他们给我们的是一间年久失修有残缺的双人间,又脏又暗,没有浴室,水盆太浅。Were given disabled double room in unrenovated part of hotel, very tatty and dark, no bath, low basin.

飞机场拥挤不堪、又脏又乱,地方太小,与它试图接纳的客流量不成比例,而且年久失修。Its airport is cramped and dirty, too small for the volume it tries to handle and in a state of disrepair.

地上成堆的脏衣服,陶瓷雕像,墙上各种年久失修的挂钟,占了客厅大部分的空间。Piles of clothes, ceramic statues and all kinds of wall clocks in disrepair take up most of the living room.

他抱怨现在的公园年久失修,长椅也多半残破不堪,到处都落满了灰尘。He noted the park’s state of disrepair, including missing benches and a patch of dust in front of the band shell.

于是我们更仔细地继续搜索,每个人都很小心,因为大家都知道房子已经年久失修了。We explored the house more completely, now being VERY careful since we knew just how bad off the place really was.

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城里的水泥建筑已经损毁剥落,农民们住在贫民窟里,基础设施年久失修。Its concrete tower blocks were crumbling, the peasant housing like slums, and the infrastructure chronically rundown.

旧的旅馆呢,很不幸的由于年久失修,将会被拆掉,为重建提供位置。The old hotel, which is unfortunately in a state of total disrepair, must be torn down in order to renovate the site.

在洛杉矶,通往飞机场的高速路上,也会遇上年久失修的路段。In traveling the highways around Los Angeles to get to the airport, you are struck by the state of disrepair there, too.

老房的卫生间和厨房防水层已经年久失修,防渗漏效果大大下降。Lao Fang of the kitchen and bathroom water-proof layer have fallen into disrepair , anti-leakage effect has been falling.

共**当局给每户分配一套老式住房,许多房子已经过分拥挤,且年久失修。With the communist authorities allocating one family to each room of old houses, many became over-crowded and in poor repair.

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由于工程老化,年久失修,北墅水库输水暗渠墙体多处发生位移破坏,严重影响工程的正常使用。In Beishu Reservoir, the displacement destruction appears at the underground conveyance canal because of ageing without repair.

房子年久失修,满是伤感气息,可盖斯凯尔夫妇在时却济济一堂。This house has a kind of melancholy, neglected feel to it today, but when the Gaskells lived here, it was always full of people.

这座房子的楼梯年久失修,无法使用,布满了墙体的碎石片和塌落的天花板,天花板都已经凹陷进去了。Thee property's staircase is too dangerous to use and is littered with wall chippings and parts of the ceiling, which has caved in.