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你必须为这项物品缴付税金。ou'll have to pay duty on this.

你必须为这项物品缴付税金。You’ll have to pay duty on this.

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所有费用、税金和收费都是不可归还的。All fees, taxes and charges are nonrefundable.

每月租金可否包括政府税金?What if the rent includes the government rates?

你不想让股东们缴纳税金You don't want to give your shareholders taxes.

人们担心税金会很快提高。People are afraid that taxes will soon be jacked up.

如果你是自营商的身分有时候可以少付些税金。Sometimes you pay fewer taxes if you're self-employed.

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你需要变卖你所有有价值的东西去付税金的。You needs all your valuables to sell for that tax money.

扣掉税金和保险费后,剩下能带回家的就不多了。After taxes and insurance, there's no much left to take home.

扣掉税金和保险费后,剩下能带回家的钱就不多了。After taxes and insurance, there's not much left to take home.

金银可以付租金,零售交易账单和税金等等。Gold and silver coins to pay your rent, grocery bills and taxes.

只想要税金,食物,金钱之类的东西。They just wanted taxes and food and money and that sort of thing.

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这个体系将有效地利用我们的税金资助艺术。This system will use our tax money efficiently to support the arts.

经开区入库税金已扣除烟草数据。Laid-up taxes of Economic&Technology Development Zone excludes data of tobacco.

以上房价已包括服务费、政府税金及西式自助早餐。Above rates include service charge, government tax and American Daily Breakfast.

它将要求大量削减开支,但也可能使较高的税金成为必要。It will require deep spending cuts, but may also necessitate somewhat higher taxes.

国会有权规定并征收税金、关税、捐税和消费税。The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts and excises.

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未支付税金余额请参阅所附的帐户明细。Please refer to the attached Statement of Account for you total outstanding tax balance.

他说,他的车花了,所以我想知道有多少是在上缴税金计算。He said he took the car, so I would like to know how many delivered to the account of taxes.

在出售房地产中,通常由买卖双方分摊税金。It is usual to prorate the taxes between the seller and the buyer in the sale of real estate.