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这个聚会令人大失所望。The party was a big let-down.

这里即使最好的旅游指南书也令我们大失所望。Here even the best guide-book fails us.

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如果国王对和平抱有希望的话,他注定会大失所望。If the king had hoped for peace, he was to be sadly disillusioned.

陆克文搁置该计划令工党的忠实支持者大失所望。Rudd earlier this year, to the dismay of the Labor Party faithful.

英国大使馆真让这些家长和脆弱的孩子们大失所望。The British embassy really let them and the vulnerable children down.

上个月,雅虎关于2008年营收的预期让华尔街大失所望。Last month, it disappointed Wall Street with its 2008 revenue outlook.

结果在上床的时候,换来的也就是一个祝福晚安的香吻,虽然让我有点大失所望。This resulted, at bedtime, with a kiss goodnight, albeit, open-mouthed.

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一些缺乏激情的选手们令观众大失所望。The crowd was disappointed about the lack of enthusiam from the players.

当他们只看到一个脏兮兮、黑头发的吉卜赛孩子时,大失所望。They were very disappointed to see only a dirty, black-haired gipsy child.

她站立在大街和华盛顿路交叉的街角上,大失所望。She stood at the corner of Main Street and Washington Avenue and despaired.

最近的民意调查发现,美国选民对共和党和民主党都大失所望。Recent polls find US voters are disenchanted with both Democrats and Republicans.

本月以来,就业和房屋销售的报告都让投资者大失所望。Reports on employment and home sales have disappointed investors so far this month.

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你深受打击和大失所望,慢慢走向窗口,感到身体不舒服。Shattered and disillusioned, you walk slowly to the window. You feel physically ill.

这名观众在标签上写道,他已经准备好了录像机准备录制原定播放的卡通片,但结果让他大失所望。The viewer wrote that he had set his video to record the popular "Inu Kami" cartoon.

但是在现实生活中,满心期望这种结局的年轻人,往往会大失所望。But in real life young men who hoped for this denouement were apt to be disappointed.

秦穆公牵来一看,却是一匹栗色的雄马,不禁大失所望。King of Mu pull to have a look, it is a chestnut stallion, can not help but disappointed.

如今,一些年轻人对过度商业化的圣诞节已经大失所望。Some young people have become disillusioned with how commercialized Christmas has become.

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对于年轻的步兵,和平,单调生活的巡逻基地可以成为大失所望。For young infantrymen , the peaceful, monotonous life on the patrol base can be a letdown.

但是,事实是很多人已经对中国国内教育体制大失所望了.However, the fact is that more people lack confidence in China's domestic education system.

她的女儿没有送她一件八十寿辰的礼物,真是令她大失所望。To her great disappointment , her daughter didn't send her a present for her eighty birthday.