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然后他解释分点岁差。He then accounts for the precession of the equinoxes.

这是由于岁差现象所导致。It is due to a phenomenon called the precession of the equinoxes.

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由于月岁差的关系,这个时间比近地点不变的情况下所需之时间长。Due to lunar precession , this time is longer than that if the perigee's position was fixed.

因为地球有岁差数的问题,所以是按照1050BC的天象而定。Because Earth has a number of precession of the problem, is determined in accordance with Sky 1050BC.

地球自转运动包括岁差和章动,极移和日长的变化。The rotation of the Earth includes precession, nutation, variations of the rotation rate and polar motion.

在顾及到5阶岁差章动力矩的情况下,给出了岁差章动的解析表达式。Considering precession-nutation moment until 5 orders, the expression of precession-nutation of CIP is presented.

由此对CIP轴进行了理论定义,并给出了其极移、岁差章动的动力学方程。Therefore, the theoretical definition of CIP and its dynamical equation on wobble and precession-nutation are given.

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在各阶潮汐力矩的作用下,得到CIP轴岁差章动的表达式。Under the effect of every order tidal moment, the expression of precession and nutation for the CIP axis is presented.

在埃及存在岁差的恒星时钟和日期是西元前2600年的电灯泡。In Egypt there exists a star clock for the Precession of the Equinoxes and an electric light bulb that dates to 2600 BC.

而事实情况是,地球在其轴线上的摇动——我们称为“岁差”——让这些星座都偏离了原来的时刻。But in reality, the wobble of the Earth on its axis -- which we call "precession" -- has led to them being all out of sync.

可望以相隔10年左右的两个历元的观测测定出岁差常数改正值。It is hopeful to determine the correction of the processional constant by observations made at two epochs of 10yr interval.

由此对CIP轴进行了理论定义,并给出了其极移、岁差和章动的动力学方程。Therefore, the theoretical definition of CIP and its dynamical equation on polar motion and precession-nutation have been given.

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但他们很高兴能够与岁差相结合建立一个永恒的十二星座自我校准刻度。But they were happy enough to have set up a self-calibrating, permanently accurate set of zodiac signs, aligned to the equinoxes.

这种颤动旋转产生了恒星的运动形状,并逐渐在天空中漂移,称为一个5,125年周期中的一个岁差。This wobbling rotation causes the movement of stars pattern and gradually drift in the sky called precession in a 5,125 year cycle.

因为岁差运动,每隔2,160年左右,太阳出现的春分点上会有新的星座。Due to the precession of the equinoxes, on average every 2,160 years the Sun appears against the stars of a new constellation at vernal equinox.

岁差章动力矩是解释这些现象的前提条件,也是建立刚体地球章动序列的最主要方法之一。The moment of precession and nutation is a prerequisite to explain these phenomena and one main way of building nutational serial of rigid Earth.

岁差章动力矩是解释这些现象的前提条件,也是建立刚体地球章动序列的最主要方法之一。The moment of precession and nutation is a prerequisite for explaining these phenomena and one main way of building nutational serial of Rigid Earth.

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地球的地轴做了类似的事情,因为一种现象叫做岁差,现在所面对的是与5000年前不同的星星。The Earth's axis in its orbit does the same thing because of a phenomenon called precession, and is now facing a different star than it did 5, 000 years ago.

战争,在地球的内部的剧变,以表征北极星中心位置的地轴的岁差同样要有变化。The wars, the upheavals in the interior of the earth, and the shifting of same by the differentiation in the axis as respecting the positions from the Polaris center.

为此,在基于VLBI资料解算ERP高频变化时,建议采用直接求解模式,并考虑岁差章动模型偏差的影响。In the solution of high frequency variation of ERP from VLBI observations, the direct solution mode with the consideration of the pole offsets is accordingly recommended.