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价格范畴是多少?What's the price ambit?

这是一个无投票权的范畴。This is a non-voting category.

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这些属于政治还是经济范畴?Are these politics or economics?

这全都属于精神分析中的无意识范畴。This is all the Freudian unconscious.

这也属于生物医学工程的范畴This is Biomedical Engineering as well.

提货单和汇票属于同一范畴了?BL and draft belong to the same category?

他想在侦察小说范畴另辟门路。He wants to cyber detective novels field.

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我将成为阿谁范畴的顶尖人物!I will be among the top-notch in my field!

英语动词也反应了数的范畴。The English verb also inflects for number.

以人为本是一个历史范畴。"People-oriented" is a historical category.

但化学的范畴远远超出有毒气体。But chemistry goes far beyond noxious fumes.

于是我的电子书籍就扩散到了一个很广的范畴。So the reach of my ebook has been quite broad.

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疲劳属于中医学的“虚劳”范畴。Fatigue belonged to asthenic overstrain in TCM.

测量值超程,更改量程范畴。Measure value over range, change measure range.

我们只研究物理范畴的知识These are things we don't deal with in physics.

两种都属于旋律的范畴Both are sort of subsets of melody, if you will.

英语中不存在什么动词祈使语气语法范畴。There is no imperative mood of the English verb.

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但是,自然性是一个难以理解的范畴。But naturalness is a hard category to understand.

这项辩论远远超过命名权的范畴。The debate is about much more than naming rights.

属于陆地形成或行星工程的范畴。a subset of terraforming or planetary engineering.