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老头子不同意。A Pho did not agree.

就像他那老头子一样。Just like his old man.

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你这个满脸鼻涕的老头子。You snot-faced old man!

希望你们会喜欢老头子吃的菜。I hope you like old fogy food.

她想嫁一个有钱的老头子。She wants to marry an old rich man.

我想起那个糟老头子来了。I remember of that disgusting old man.

就一个老头子而言,你的身板儿还挺不错的。You're in pretty good shape for a geezer.

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就一个老头子而言,你的身板儿还挺不错的。And you , fucking tell him now . what geezer.

死老头子!孙子都这么大了,还贫嘴!Die old man! Grandchildren are so big, garrulous!

很难和一个顽固的老头子讲道理。It is difficult to reason with an obstinate old man.

“我清楚得很,”老头子坚持道。"I know enough, " insisted old Archibald, determinedly.

那个老头子吻着他的膝头,称他为慈悲的上帝。The old man kissed his knees and called him the good God.

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老头子走进房间以后,黑根就把那份名单递给了他。When the Don entered the room, Hagen handed him the list.

杰克亲自给老头子斟上酒。Jack pours the spirit into Molly's father's cup personally.

就在这时,圣诞夫人告诉老头子,丈母娘要来。Then Mrs. Claus told Santa that her mother was coming to visit.

我也差点儿没认!他真大呀,现在看起来像老头子了。Me neither! He has changed so much and looks like an old man now.

把老头子认为办不到的事来试办一下,你往往办成功了。What old people say you cannot do, you try and find that you can.

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如果你认为高尔夫球是老头子玩的游戏,那你就大错特错了。If you thought that golf was a game for old farts, you were wrong.

“这个你最明白,老头子,”他的老伴说,“今天是集市日子。"You'll know what's best, Father, " said the wife. "It's market day.

老头子看见了这副面孔,气忿地转过身去。And the old man turned angrily away, when he caught sight of the face.