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这是凯文的绝唱游戏。It was Kevin's swansong game.

这么早宣布,是为了新专辑和巡演有个好收获吧…所谓绝唱…We uploaded the very first snippets from our new album for you.

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只有流过血的手指,才能弹奏出世间的绝唱。Only through the blood fingers, to play the swan song of the world.

今夜故乡无眠,今夜我独享这大自然的绝唱。No sleep tonight home tonight I have enjoyed the Peak of this nature.

“我把它看成有可能是自己职业生涯的绝唱,”希尔福斯说。"I look at this as maybe the swan song of my career, " says Searfoss.

他的国家队的国际大赛绝唱是2000年欧洲杯上英格兰的失败。His international swansong was England's largely unsuccessful Euro 2000 campaign.

聆听这首天堂绝唱,“今天我才明白,我之所以漂泊为的是向你靠拢”。I am just understand today, the reason that I drift on water for of is toward to you.

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黄山,天之骄子,国之瑰宝,世界奇观,大自然绝唱。Huangshan, favored, a national treasure, the world's wonders, nature never occur again.

这些精美的瓷器都是成化皇帝与万贵妃爱情绝唱的见证。These exquisite porcelain Are the Chenghua emperor and wanguifei love masterpiece witness.

但我相信,那种哀怨的无声的诉说,一定是一种生命的绝唱!Yet I believe those plaintive silent words must be a masterpiece singing the praises of life!

但我相信,那种哀怨的无声的诉说,一定是一种生命的绝唱!Yet I believe those plaintive silent words must be a masterpiece singing the praises of life !

从这个意义来说,他的这些作品是对即将消失的过去在未来的绝唱与挽歌。In this sense, his works are the farewell and elegy in the future to those of the past that will soon disappear.

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在随米兰度过了27个赛季,获得了23座奖杯之后,米兰和乌迪内的比赛将成为科斯塔库塔的绝唱。The Rossoneri defender will say his final goodbye in Milan-Udinese after 27 seasons and 23 trophies won with Milan.

“可你也得看看我已经31岁了,明年我就32了。所以无论发生神马,我都会把欧洲杯当成是我的”绝唱“But I'm 31, I'll be 32 by the time Euro 2012 comes around, so, whatever happens, I'll be treating it as my last one.

这是这艘世界上飞行次数最多的火箭飞船的"绝唱之旅",也宣告近30年的美国航天飞机项目即将终结。"This is the final flight for the world's most travelled rocket ship as the shuttle program draws to a close after 30 years.

只有经过地狱般的磨练,才能炼出创造天堂的力量。只有流过血的手指,才能弹奏出世间的绝唱。Only through the hell of tempering, to refining the power to create heaven. Only the blood flow through the fingers to play the world's swan song.

只有经历过地狱般的折磨,才有征服天堂的力量。只有流过血的手指才能弹出世间的绝唱。Only experienced the hell of torture, have conquered the power of heaven. Only the blood flow through the fingers of the world's farewell to the pop-up.

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经过否定之否定,上升到新的思想高度,尤以最后见解曲终奏雅,堪称绝唱。What the course denies is negative, rise to new thought height, blame with final opinion music eventually Zou Ya, can weighs the peak of poetic perfection.

但这种古老的民歌并不为现在的年轻人所熟知,面临着失传的局面,处于濒临绝唱的边缘。However, this old folk which are not as well known among young people today are faced with an extinction situation and are at the edge of swan song endangered.

曾经觉得,像司马迁受宫刑之辱,不应苟且于世,更谈不上无韵之离骚,史家之绝唱了。Ever feel like Sima Qian Gong Xing's humiliation by not struggling known to the world, let alone non-rhyme of the Li Sao, a historian of the peak of poetic perfection.