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后来我又发现一辆装甲车在古翠路的路口。And I found a armored car on crossing of GuCui Road.

自从2007年底豺狼4驱装甲车便开始在阿富汗服役。The 4x4 Jackal has been in Afghanistan since late 2007.

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用装甲车驱散中国的挑衅者。Scattering the Chinese provokers with armoured vehicles.

快速装甲车中队有四个排,每个排装备了2辆T-32超轻型坦克。Equipped with T-32 it had four platoons each with 2 tankettes.

背景中可以看到Strykers装甲车的天线。In the background are the antennas of Strykers armored vehicle.

有一辆装甲车或全副武装的警察押运,安全就有了保证。An armoured car or a heavily armed police escort ensures safety.

为其在装甲车辆上的应用做出了理论准备。The theory is prepared for the application on the armoring vehicle.

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履带式小型装甲车是由一个BAR和一挺机枪组成的支援武器。The Bren is a mix of a support weapon such as a BAR and a machinegun.

我们站在他们的装甲车前,永不屈服,抵抗他们的盾与枪。We stand unbowed before their armour, we defy their guns and shields!

我们的装甲车可以转让可运世界各地。Can be shipped armored vehicles we have for "sale" all over the world.

正如你所知我还有一把.50巴雷特反器材步枪,所以你们的装甲车对我来说也就是个靶子。As you know I also own Barrett . 50′s so your APC are defunct and futile.

应用本文的结果对几种坦克和装甲车辆的平均速度进行了计算。The factors having effect on the tank mean runing velocity are discussed.

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他们首先击毁了英军车队后方的一辆M3装甲车。First, they knocked out an M3 halftrack at the rear of the British column.

我们卖给沙特阿拉伯的装甲车队是供他们的警察部队使用。The AFV fleet that we're selling the Saudis are for the use of their police.

那些驾驶豺狼装甲车的士兵说这款装甲车在投入使用之后已经拯救了很多人命。Those operating the Jackal say that it has saved lives since being deployed.

这是一艘几乎已装满了卡车和装甲车的坦克登陆艇。It was an LST, and it was already nearly loaded with trucks and armored cars.

军队和装甲车已经进驻市区,但是并没有采取任何行动。Troops and armoured vehicles have been deployed but have not taken any action.

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在西部沙漠,人们没有装甲车和枪得保护是不行的。The Western Desert was no place for men without the protection of amour and guns.

比赛后,那些钱会装进一个有锁的箱子,放进装甲车运走。After the match, all that money gets put in a lockbox and taken to an armored car.

超过6个士兵在驾驶豺狼装甲车执行巡逻任务的时候被杀。More than half a dozen soldiers have been killed while patrolling in the vehicles.