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老哥说“哇”Brother says "wow""

希望老哥能看到我说的这句。I Hope You Know, what are you doing?

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老哥最近可好?想你想坏了。How are you recently?I miss you badly.

我的沃伦老哥不会永远呆在那儿等你。And my pal Warren won't be there forever.

来美国快一年了,没有读书,只是在老哥这里混日子。It is almost one year that I have been in USA.

穿蓝衣的这位老哥告诉我他们正梳理的是Silk。The guy in blue told me they were teasing the silk.

我不知道我是否该把这事告诉你,老哥。I don’t know whether I should tell you this, our kid.

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今天我看见我老哥那怀孕的女友在抽烟。Today, I saw my brother's pregnant girlfriend smoking.

老哥,爸爸也该回来看看。Elder brother, Father should come back to see all these.

几个老哥在低于地面的桥下忙活着。Several workers were busy under the bridge lower than the ground.

回家之后我对老哥说自己可能有点脑震荡。When I got home, I told my brother I thought I might have a concussion.

这首老哥在20世纪初是最受欢迎的歌曲之一。The oldie was one of the most famous songs at the beginning of the 20th century.

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我说,老哥,你这也太没意思了吧,你干我的时候,我为了配合你,那叫的,把你爽的!I say, old elder brother, you this is also too dull, you do me when I call to you, it's cool!

他和他老哥正在顶楼大喊大叫地打游戏。We could see him with his brother on the top floor yelling and screaming over their video games.

他也曾经会对加盟马德里竞技感到满意,在那有他的老哥,90年代中期加盟那里的基里。He would also have been content to join Atletico, whom his older brother, Jiri, joined in the mid-'90s.

老哥,这再正常不过了。消消火,别生气,我让王科长再问问。Brother, this is perfectly normal. Eliminate fire, don't get angry, I let the king section chief to ask.

第一站,在我的老落脚点,田纳西州孟菲斯,一位老哥因为他的发型被交通法庭禁止出行。The first stop, in my old stomping ground, Memphis, Tennessee, where this guy's hair's got him banned from traffic court.

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恩?我真不知道你老哥是怎么睡觉的,当你在外面逍遥快活的时候,你老哥却蜷缩在淋浴喷头旁?Hmmmm? I wonder how your brother's sleeping, curled up next to his shower daddy, while you live comfortably on the outside ?

我确信,老哥那时一定深以为这款游戏对于他这个只有七岁的柔弱小妹妹来说,是件完美无缺的礼物。Mortal Kombat. In my brothers mind, I am sure he believed this to be the perfect gift for his fragile seven year old sister.

敬那些仍记得我生日以及仍然懂的交心的人们。谢谢你们。尤其是我最敬爱的老哥!CHEERS TO MY FRIENDS WHO is still remember my birth and knowing the feeling of touch. THANK YOU, My Friends! ESPECIALLY for JON!