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的蓝相子标志。Blue sub-symbol.

凯丽,摸取一个标志。Kally, pick a sign.

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苹果和他的苹果标志。Apple and its apple.

那是一个“狼神”的标志。It was a wolfsangel.

凯丽,摸取一个标志。好的。Kally, pick a sign. OK.

我必须在把这些标志换过来。I must change the signs.

有些标志告诉我们要守规则。Some signs tell us rules.

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这标志者迅速的转变。This marks a rapid shift.

它是这座城市的标志。It's an icon for the city.

非薄分裂的唯一标志。Non-marking thin split sole.

详细的方扣标志。Logo detail on square buckle.

下出生的虐待放置标志。Born under an ill-placed sign.

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这是一个标志制作业务。It was a sign-making business.

左袖底部的标志。Logo at bottom of left sleeve.

标志刻在前方的按钮。Logo-engraved button at front.

我想要一个与棱镜电视标志。I want one logo with Prisma Tv.

法拉利车的标志是一匹跃起的马。Ferrari logo is a leaping horse.

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这是桂林市的标志。It is the symbol of Guilin City.

这款车进行两个白色标志。The car carried two white flags.

我不了解那些交通标志。I don't know those traffic signs.