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不会,我很好,中士。No, I'm fine, Sarge.

那是托伊中士。It was Sergeant Troy.

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中士不在这儿,先生。The sarge isn't here guv.

中士麦克你没事吧?。Sarge! Mike, are you alright?

庚特中士,听到我的命令吗?。Sergeant Gant, did you hear my order?

中士叫士兵们靠拢。The sergeant told the men to close up.

中士厉声向他班士兵下命令。The sergeant barked an order to his squad.

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那中士被降为三等兵。The sergeant was degraded to buck private.

别找我的麻烦,中士、我已经够受的了。Don't get on my back, Sarge . I've had enough.

中士很快就把新兵训练得规规矩矩。A sergeant soon knocks new recruits into shape.

稍息,中士。这完全是很随意的。At ease, Sergeant. This is completely informal.

豪沃斯中士?你认得这是哪里吗?。Sergeant Horvath?Do you recognize where we are?

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对不起,中士,我不能碰枪。Well, i'm sorry , sergeant , i can't touch agun.

看来你把某些穷人的宠物撞成碎片了,中士。Looks like you mashed some poor fella's dog Sarge.

中士,您觉得定下心来结婚如何?Sarge, how would you like to settle down and get married?

一个中士把我从队伍中叫到他的桌前。A sergeant called me out of the line and over to his desk.

约翰·科比为我连连长,我是排级中士。John Colby was my company commander and I was a platoon sgt.

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托伊中士从未像今天这样把剑练得这么好。Never had Sergeant Troy managed his sword better than today.

我留下一名中士指挥,自己策马前去侦察敌情。I left a sergeant in command and rode forward to reconnoitre.

中士Eisch已经准备好他们排的第一次徒步巡逻。SergeantEisch readied his platoon for its first foot patrols.