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还有一小段行程在波西尼亚的“塞尔共和国”境内,路上要花九个小时。It takes nine hours.

共和国万岁!Long live the Republic!

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佛罗伦萨曾是一个共和国。Florence was a republic.

香蕉共和国,我们来了。Banana republic, here we come.

该共和国紧靠大湖。The republic abuts on the lake.

以色列共和国的单院的议会。The unicameral parliament of Israel.

内陆小国家,安道尔共和国。The tiny landlocked nation of Andorra.

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那真象一个小小的共和国。Mon Dieu! it is like a little republic.

加百利生活在多米尼加共和国。Gabriel lives in the Dominican Republic.

在加纳共和国的同事有电传机,但没有传真机。A colleague in Ghana had telex but no fax.

厌恶共和国的巴尔克同意了。Bulq, disgusted with the Republic, agreed.

丛林共和国法律顾问,你在哪里?Jungle Republic Legal Adviser, where are you?

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公元1590年,威尼斯共和国在处于衰败的险恶困境之中。In 1590 the Republic of Venice was in decline.

西方之外,共和国的概念不为人知Outside the West, republics have been unknown.

在新的德克萨斯共和国中,奴隶制是合法的。Slavery was legal in the new Republic of Texas.

也门是采用两院制立法机构的共和国。Yemen is a republic with a bicameral legislature.

保加利亚是欧洲东南部的一个共和国。Bulgaria is a republic in the southeast of Europe.

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首先是来自多米尼加联邦共和国的凯先生。First to Kai over in the Commonwealth of Dominica.

在老挝民主共和国,完成开业手续需要198天的时间。In Lao PDR, the start-up procedures take 198 days.

古希腊称其共和国为,城邦The Greek city states called polis were republics.