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他筹建了一个网球俱乐部。He set up a tennis club.

吉林靖宇核电厂于1986年开始筹建。Jingyu, Jilin nuclear power plant, started in 1986.

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麦克尼尔开始筹建自己的班级图书室。Ms. McNeill started to build her classroom library.

我承认我正在考虑筹建一个新项目。I confess to being considering starting a new project.

中国于2004年开始帮扶筹建孔子学院。China began helping establish Confucius Institutes in 2004.

一座新的体育中心和医院也正在筹建之中。Work on a new sports center and hospital is also under way.

避免筹建期间走弯路,减少投资的浪费。Avoid zigzags in preparation,and reduce the waste of investment.

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如果是这样的话,则请她们前去参加试唱,以筹建一个新的演唱组。If so, they were asked to turn up for auditions for a new group.

透明质酸钠系列产品及化妆品项目的筹建。Toumingzhisuan sodium series products and cosmetics project planning.

这个工作室仍在筹建中,明年三月中旬才能营业。The studio is still under construction and won't open until mid-March.

令人更受鼓舞的是,在2010年及其后几年,还将筹建更多的项目。Even better, there are more projects in the pipeline for 2010 and beyond.

另外,在1996年他还协助筹建了旨在保护行人权益的公益组织“路权”。He also cofounded a pedestrian rights organization, Right of Way, in 1996.

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筹建处主任、副主任由董事会任命。The manager and deputy manager shall be appointed by the board of directors.

“龙王塘”是农民自己动手筹建的一个农民公园。"Long Wang Pond" is a farmer park opened up by farmers with their own money.

三年前,沙夫纳和一些家长们联合筹建了这所学校。The school, founded by Shaffner and a group of parents, opened three years ago.

越来越多的图书馆开始筹建教参数据库。More and more libraries begin to develop their teaching reference book database.

共有251家酒店处于筹建期,酒店总数达到了1089家。Share 251 hotels to be in prepare to construct period, hotel number achieved 1089.

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听说我们学校正在筹建有蹄类动物研究所。It is said that our school is preparing to construct an ungulate research institution.

鲁昂大教堂“黄油塔”的筹建资金,全部来源于这些肮脏的交易。The "Butter Tower" at Rouen cathedral was financed entirely by such cynical invoicing.

鄄城县新华发制品厂自筹建之初就十分注重产品质量及重合同守信用。From the beginning our factory built great attention to product quality and trustworthy.