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好片,谢谢分享,正是及时!It os very good!

请及时祈付。Please pay promptly.

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火车及时到达了。The train arrived betimes.

将及时向你通报情况。对吗?You will be kept informed.

一针及时省九针。A stich in time saves nine.

及时一针省九针。A stitch in time save nine.

及时的一根针救了九条命?Stitch in time saves nine !

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及时缝一针,免得遇色狼。A stich in time saves crime.

译成中文就是“人生苦短,及时行乐!”Life is too short, enjoy it!

我们所做的是及时的计划。We do just in time planning.

及时一针省得过后九针。A stitch in time saves nines.

一针及时顶九针。A stitch in time, saves nine.

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一针及时顶九针。A stitch in time , saves nine.

我们能及时到达车湛吗?Can we get to station in time?

把这紧记在心及时行乐吧。Keep that in mind and rejoice.

幸运的是,我及时的跳了回来。Luckily I jumped back in time.

这场雨来的真是及时!The rain really hits the spot.

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我们为何不能及时行乐?。Can't we have what we have now?

他没有及时赶回去。He hadn't made it back in time.

他这批货囤得很及时。His hoarding came just in time.