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他把名片放在瘦子季曼的大班台上。He placed the card on Skinny Zyama’s desk.

它创造了另一个检查点大班分支。It created another check point at Taipan branch.

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这里的一号楼是太古洋行大班住宅。Swire here is a large class residential building.

目前的一个分支,是在大班永久固定。The current one at Taipan branch is fixed permanently.

大班的孩子虽然年龄不大,但调皮起来个顶个都是好手。Taipans child although age is not big, but very naughty up top are.

大班共有32名小朋友参加本次会操比赛。Taipans a total of 32 children participate in the parade competition.

真正的健身决定不提供免费毛巾服务在大班分支。True Fitness decided not to offer free towel service at Taipan branch.

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我之所以改变大班到TF导向,只是对我步行距离。Reason I changed to TF in taipan cos it's just walking distance for me.

大班儿童能够自主阅读,对认字的兴趣比较大。Pre-kindergarten children can read by themselves, they enjoy identifying words.

我与美心集团的几位董事、及香港置地大班共享晚餐。I was having dinner together with the directors of Mixim's Group & Hong Kong Land.

大班台系列行政桌组系列,由滕虹在中国组装,是个人风格舆自信的投射。Executive Desk System assembled by TOHOLY in China, reflects own style and confidence.

他用手在他的大班台上抹着,然后盯着他的指尖,看上面是否有灰尘。He passed his hand along the surface of his desk and examined his fingertips for dust.

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摘得“最毒蛇”皇冠的是澳大利亚的内陆大班。The prize for “The World’s Most Venomous Snake” goes to the Inland Taipan of Australia.

今天是个难忘的日子,我们全体大班小朋友站在这里心情感激,心怀不舍。Today is a memorable day, we all stand here taipans children feel grateful, 'll harbor.

由于条件所限而采用的大班教学制给大学英语教学带来了困难。In this circumstance, some problems have arisen during teaching English in large classes.

小班化教学模式下的英语课堂教学与大班英语课堂教学有很大的区别。It is agreed that there are some differences in teaching English in big and small classes.

首先,小班、大班各有利弊。In the first place, both small and big classes have their own advantages and disadvantages.

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这是一门大班课程,如果你并不打算和周围人相互介绍的话,也就不会有什么人能够认识你了Now, this is a large class, and if you don't do anything about it, it can be very anonymous.

你较喜欢上以授课为主的大班课,或是以讨论为主的小班课程?Do you prefer to study in a large, lecture-based class or in a smaller, discussion-based class?

1860年之后步入口岸开放期间则由大班组成的喷鼻山帮、宁波帮掌握。During anew period of open-port after 1860, Wuhan was ruled by compradors of XiangShan and Ninbo.