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这是一个健康宣示Well that's a health claim.

这宣示改变的风,让心中火焰永远不熄。The wind of change that fans the flame.

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“我是园丁头”他宣示道。“I am the head gardener, ” he announced.

宣示你的价值,述说你的美丽,公布你的赠与。Proclaim your value, announce your beauty and declare your gifts.

宣布一个更高的目标,可能需要一些在宣示过程中的练习。Heralding a higher purpose may require some practice at heralding.

美国不会支持任何国家对南海诸岛宣示主权。The United States doesn't support any country's claim over the islands.

这张拍摄于郁郁葱葱的绿色田野上的照片目的是宣示她的重生。This image taken in a lush, green field is meant to signify her rebirth.

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一只母狮子在赞比亚赞比西河旁的一棵树上宣示它的主权。A female lion claims her spot in a tree near the Zambezi River in Zambia.

在此漏洞被宣示之后,HTC开始着手发布修补程序。Having the vulnerability been announced HTC commenced to release hotfixes.

每家公司都对它们为何是或即将成为相关领域的全球最佳公司进行了一番宣示。Each gave a pitch as to why it is the bestor soon to be the best in its field.

是以此向我们宣示他们对地球人类的主宰权!!!Is declared to us as they are the master of the human rights of the Earth! ! !

法之义务在于宣示何者构成权利,何者构成权利之侵犯。What constitutes right, and what injury, it is the business of law to declare.

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公司做此宣示,必定涉及政治因素Well there are politics that go into that company's ability to make that claim.

雄性吼猴利用牠们的大嗓门去争夺食物,求偶,或宣示领土。Male howler monkeys use their loud voices to fight for food, mates, or territory.

就连过马路也成为他向我宣示国家自豪感的行为。Even crossing the street became an act to tell me about his pride for his country.

对巴格达的轰炸向全世界宣示了美国强大的军事力量。The bombing of Baghdad demonstrated the awesome power and might of the US military.

我本人愿意再次宣示,两岸对话与协商的大门永远是敞开的。I am willing to once again declare that the door of cross-strait negotiation is wide open.

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它是写进开国宪章的信条,宣示了这个国家的命运。It was a creed written into the founding documents that declared the destiny of a nation.

三声锣声宣示金日成的儿子和孙子的即将到来。The sound of three bangs on a gong signalled the impending arrival of Kim’s son and grandson.

中国现在也在做同样的事,向世界宣示,其海军正成为一支战斗力更强的力量。China was now doing the same and telling the world that its navy was becoming a more capable force.