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水位高涨。The water level has risen.

水位正在不断地升高。The water level is heightening.

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缺雨使水库水位降低。Lack of rain sank the reservoirs.

序列,包括它们的高水位标志。Sequences, including their high watermark

在水位线以下还有一个咖啡酒吧。Under the waterline, there's a café and bar.

水位是否总是位于涡流顶部?。Does liquid level ever drop below volute top?

坎伯兰河的水位上升了超过50英尺。The Cumberland River has risen above 50 feet.

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中国南部80余条河流水位超警戒线。Water level of 80 rivers crosses warning mark.

水位已上升到了警戒水位。The water level has risen to the warning stage.

这是1997年水位上升前的大昌。This was Dachang in 1997 before the waters came.

阿塔阿瓦德湖——湖泊水位没有明显变化.Attabad—No substantial changes in the lake level.

估计水位线以下的最大深度。Estimation of maximum depth below the water line.

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标志潮水高水位低水位的线。A line indicating the heights of high and low tide.

武汉流域水位降至只有10英尺左右。The river near Wuhan is down to only about 10 feet.

这不会使高水位的计数器复位。This will not reset the counters for high water marks.

根据范晓的说法,水位的改变使断层紧绷。According to Fan, changing the water level strains them.

例如东部潮差较大,水位较低。Tidal ranges are larger and water levels lower in the east.

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这可降低水位,减少土壤的碱份。This lowers the water table and reduces soil alkalinization.

如果喷出的水高于之前标注的水位线的话,就换个新的花洒吧。If the water goes higher than the mark, get a new showerhead.

土地资源部副部长云晓苏在北京告诉记者,“这些湖的水位都很高而且还在增长。"The water level in some lakes is high and rising, " he said.