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城市生活无疑是繁重的。City living can be taxing.

繁重的劳动使他的双手生出茧子来。Heavy work callused his hands.

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繁重的家务劳动把她的手弄得很粗糙。Hard household chores roughed her hands.

大量繁重的工作使她的伤口肿痛发炎。A plenty of heavy work angered her wound.

挖那粘土是一件艰苦繁重的工作。Digging that clay soil is back- breaking work.

那头老骆驼驮不动那繁重的货物了。The old camel couldn't carry the heavy burden.

这是一块繁重得没有人能搬得动的石头。It is such a heavy stone as none of us can lift.

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你能帮我搬阿谁綦重繁重的箱子吗?Would you please help me with thellos heavy box?

计算机将人们从繁重的体力劳动中解脱出来。The computer release people frome hard manual work.

你们从事的事业前途远大、任务繁重、使命崇高。Your business has a bright future and great mission.

即使在一个很小的农场这也是很繁重的任务,”罗德里格斯说。Even on a small farm it’s a big task,” says Rodriguez.

捷运系统是建造来解决繁重的交通问题。MRT systems are built to solve heavy traffic problems.

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这些计算是很繁重的工作,但是亚当斯对这种工作甘之如饴。They were laborious, but he relished this kind of work.

他们被繁重的体力劳动搞得精疲力竭。They were wearied out with the strenuous manual labour.

这部新机器将把我们从繁重劳动中解放出来。This new machine will emancipate us from the hard work.

对大多数人,你将会有很多繁重的读书材料。For many of you, you're going to find it dense material.

她的手掌因繁重的挖土劳动而磨破了皮。Her palms were excoriated by the hard labour of shoveling.

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在流放地,他们被迫从事最繁重的劳役。There they were forced to slave at the most difficult labor.

从而有效地解决了机房繁重的系统维护工作。Thus, the problem of heavy system maintenance can be solved.

你背那些极重繁重的桶,奇迹私服玩得久,乐趣在其中,你的背会痛的。You'll make your back ache if you carry those heavy buckets.