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或者去位于孟加拉湾中部的布莱尔港冲浪。Or go surfing in Port Blair in the Bay of Bengal.

印度东部位于孟加拉湾的一个邦。The modern Indic language of West Bengal and Bangladesh.

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一东南亚国家,位于孟加拉湾和安达曼海岸边。A country of southeast Asia on the Bay of Bengal and the Andaman Sea.

印度东南部一城市,濒临孟加拉湾,位于马德拉斯东南偏南。A city of southeast India on the Bay of Bengal south-southwest of Madras.

对于德里,亚穆纳和孟加拉湾的连接线已经有了。For Delhi, the link is already there with Yamuna connection to Bay of Bengal.

阿拉干沿着孟加拉湾东岸延伸约350英里。Arakan stretched for some 350 miles along the eastern shore of the Bay of Bengal.

恒河三角洲形成了一个广泛的海湾,从那里倾泻如孟加拉湾。The Ganges River forms an extensive delta where it empties into the Bay of Bengal

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在班加罗尔,他们应该将阿苏尔湖和孟加拉湾、阿拉伯海连接起来。In Bangalore, they should have linked ulsoor lake with Bay of Bengal and Arabian sea.

孟加拉国地处南亚,与孟加拉湾接壤,在缅甸和印度之间。Bangladesh is situated in southern Asia, bordering the Bay of Bengal, between Myanmar and India.

戈西河是一条巨大的传送带,把沉积物从喜马拉雅地区传送到了孟加拉湾。The Kosi acts as a massive conveyor belt taking sediment from the Himalaya to the Bay of Bengal.

政府官员表示,孟加拉湾附近的一块低压气候区,是骤降暴雨的主要因素。Officials say an area of low pressure in the Bay of Bengal has caused the sudden torrential rains.

巴基斯坦的季风性降雨通常来自由孟加拉湾闯入印度的湿润空气。Pakistan's monsoon rains normally emanate from moisture swept in over India from the Bay of Bengal.

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法国海军也放弃了向缅甸灾区运送救灾物资的努力,离开了孟加拉湾。The French navy also has given up efforts to send in aid and is heading away from the Bay of Bengal.

来自孟加拉湾和南海的暖湿气流为江淮流域提供了充足的水汽。The warm moist flow from the Bay of Bengal and the South China Sea provided the rainstorm sufficient moisture.

2010年5月,热带气旋“莱拉”给孟加拉湾及印度部分地区带来强劲降水及大风天气。Tropical Cyclone Laila brought heavy rains and strong winds to the Bay of Bengal and parts of India in May 2010.

艾拉几乎完全席卷了片场地,从孟加拉湾一直延伸至印度、孟加拉国和缅甸。Aila almost completely fills this scene, stretching from the Bay of Bengal deep into India, Bangladesh, and Burma.

来自孟加拉湾经中南半岛和来自华南的水汽输入是长江中下游地区水汽的主要来源。Moisture transport from the Bay of Bengal and South China is main sources of the Yangtze River basin precipitation.

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孟加拉国东南部城市,位于孟加拉湾附近。是主要港口及工业中心。人口980,000。A city of southeast Bangladesh near the Bay of Bengal. It is a major port and industrial center. Population, 980,000.

吉大港孟加拉国东南部城市,位于孟加拉湾附近。是主要港口及工业中心。人口980,000。A city of southeast Bangladesh near the Bay of Bengal. It is a major port and industrial center. Population, 980, 000.

夏季孟加拉湾热源和菲律宾热源都存在明显的年际和年代际变化。There exist obviously interannual and interdecadal changes in the heat sources over the Bay of Bengal and Philippines.