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产物经熔点测定和红外光谱表证。Product was identified by analysis of m. p and IR.

所有化合物的结构均经元素分析、红外光谱、核磁共振氢谱和质谱表证。The structures of these compounds were characterized by elemental analysis, IR, 1H NMR and MS.

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通过动态力学粘弹谱表征,该接枝共聚物具有稳定的双相体系相态。The dynamic viscoelastic spectrometer showed that the graft copolymer exhibited two phase morphology.

红外光谱表征了这三种来合物降解前后的化学结构。The structures of the films determined with Fourier-Transformation Infrared Spectrum after degradation.

用漆酚树脂固载化三氯化铁高分子催化剂合成醋酸异戊酯,对催化剂进行了红外光谱表征。Isoamyl acetate was synthesized by urushiol resin immobilized ferric trichloride catalyst in this paper.

采用高效离子交换色谱和激光光散射仪对不同生长阶段的青枯菌进行色谱表征。A method for the determination of Ibandronate by high performance ion exchange chromatography is reported.

应用气相色谱质谱和红外光谱表征了它们的分子结构。Gas phase chromatography, mass spectrum and infrared spectrum are used to characterize the novel silanes structures.

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讨论了该清漆的溶剂选择、配方代化、固化反应机理和红外光谱表征。The article has discussed the selection of solvents, formulation optimization, curing mechanism and IR characterization.

小节线是与五线谱或谱表垂直的竖线,与拍号相对应。A bar line is a vertical line through the staff or system to mark a metrical division, corresponding to the time signature.

大谱表由左端用垂直线与花括号连接起来的两个五线谱组成。The grand staff is formed by the joining of two staves by a vertical line, brace or bracket at the left, to form one system.

并对自制的XK聚羧酸减水剂结构进行了红外光谱表征及主要应用性能考察。In addition, XK polycarboxylic water reducer was characterized by IR and its main application properties were investigationed.

由红外光谱表征,AMPS-EP共聚物中保存了环氧树脂的环氧基,同时引入了亲水性的磺酸基。IR spectrum indicates that the epoxy group is retained and hydrophilic sulfonic group is introduced into the copolymer AMPS-EP.

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应用高效离子交换色谱对脱脂乳发酵体系中的嗜热链球菌和保加利亚乳杆菌进行色谱表征。Streptococcus thermophilus and Lactobacillus bulgaricus fermented in skim milk were analyzed by high performance ion-exchange chromatograph.

运用麦克斯韦方程组的矢量角谱表述,将平面衍射波分解为TE项和TM项。Based on the vector angular spectrum representation of Maxwell's equations, the diffracted plane wave is decomposed into the TE and TM terms.

这本相貌平平的记事本上,也记下了她从纽约公立图书馆里抄下来的吉他和弦谱表。The journal, a patterned hardcover, also includes carefully drawn tables and notes on guitar chords she researched at the New York Public Library.

总谱的开本因而也是不寻常的,用了87行谱表,因为弦乐器全部都用分奏,每个演奏员都各有一个声部。The Size score is not unusual therefore, used the 87 line spectrum by reason of the string All points are played, each performer will have a voice.

这种激光束所具有的史无前例的化学分析敏感度,使得研究人员能够创建对个体饮食内容的连续观察谱表。The beam gives unprecedented sensitivity to chemical analysis and allows researchers to create an hour-by-hour picture of what an individual has eaten.

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用核磁共振波谱、质谱和红外光谱表征了蓖麻油和非离子表面活性剂聚氧乙基蓖麻油的结构特征和它们的组成。The structures and compositions of castor oil and its ethoxylate derivative have been characterized by means of NMR and IR spectroscopy and MS spectrometry.

NITS的电学性质经电子顺磁谱表征,并首次利用电化学分析探讨了其反应机理。Its electronic properties were characterized by ESR spectra, and furthermore, the reaction mechanism of NITS has been first studied by electrochemical analysis.

采用高效离子交换色谱和激光光散射仪对不同生长阶段的青枯菌进行色谱表征。High performance ion exchange liquid chromatography and laser light scattering instrument were employed to characterize Ralstonia solanacearum in different growth phases.