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允许我船出港吗?Am I permitted outward?

飞机什么时候出港?When does the plane depart?

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梅格斯将军号在趁潮出港。The General Meigs is tiding out of the harbor.

你船现在的航向离出港船太近。Your present course too close to outbound vessel.

我们的第一艘船得到本月底才能出港。Our first ship won't clear till the end of the month.

2006年上半年每周进出港航班为780架次。The first half of 2006 flights per week to 780 sorties.

六月四日,按照原定计划,盟军舰队拔锚出港。On June 4, Allied fleets set off according to the original plan.

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你从哪儿起航出港的?过了十二海里的点位之后是哪里?What do you start out from, above Twelve-Mile Point, to cross over?'

再出港大厅的门口,我们有巴士接你们去宾馆。At the gate of the departure hall, we have buses to take you to the hotel.

码头工人加班装船,以便第二天一早就送船出港。The dockers loaded the ship overtime so as to send it off Early the next morning.

北野武藏决议组织天皇御用的忍者前去出港船上伏击刀锋。Kitano musashi resolution to emperor royal ninja organization departure ship ambush blade.

在正常航行时用几台发电机?在进出港时用几台?How many generators are in use when in normal sailing? When entering and leaving port, how many?

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你们对货物进出港及时与否有跟踪程序吗?Does your facility have procedures for tracking the timely movement of incoming and outgoing goods?

上海市内河网上共有九十三个签证站点,其中大多数签证站每天对进出港的船只人工进行登记。There are ninety-three registration stations in shanghai freshwater, most of which register vessels pass in and out manually.

称,欧盟和美国开始鉴别非法捕鱼船只,禁止出港。They said the European Union and the United States are starting to identify illegal fishing ships and bar them from their ports.

据新华社报道,9日夜间,北京地区普降大雪,首都国际机场10日航班正常进出港受到影响。Heavy snow fell overnight in Beijing Monday, blanketing the capital and causing flight delays and cancellations, Xinhua reported.

据了解,从元宵节过后,贵阳龙洞堡机场进出港客流量相对平稳。It is understood that from after the Lantern Festival, Guiyang Longdongbao Airport inbound and outbound traffic is relatively stable.

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凡因工作、业务需要进出港的人员,凭有关证件或证明进出。Personnel entry and exit Harbor because it was for working or business, depending on credentials or certificate entry and exit Harbor.

在保证滑行道零冲突、兼顾单个航班滑行时间的前提下,缩小机场进出港航班总滑行时间。Ensuring taxi conflict free and taking account of single flight taxi time, total taxi time of inbound and outbound flights was reduced.

从新航季执行第一周的情况来看,首都机场进出港航班总数为8715架次。SIA quarter from the first week of the implementation of the situation, the capital flight out of Hong Kong airport a total of 8715 sorties.