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你可以打电话给领事馆吗?Could you call the consulate?

领事馆的电话号码是多少?What is the phone-number of the consulate?

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英国曾于1899年在腾冲设立领事馆。Britain once set up its consulate in Tengchong in 1899.

们入侵中国领事馆,们必需给中国和中国告罪。You must go give the apologize to china and chinese pepole.

NVC然后就将批准了的申请寄到该领事馆。NVC will then forward the approved petition to that consulate.

我们都知道当天会有外国领事馆的领事到场。We all know that there will be some consuls come to the event.

该科也与本港各领事馆官员保持密切联络。It also maintains close liaison with local consulate officials.

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德国驻钦奈领事馆的高级官员出席活动。Senior officials of the German Consulate in Chennai were present.

梧州进修班后在山上英国领事馆。After a refresher at Wuchow British Consulate on the Hill. Wuchow.

但是领事馆的治安官不能知道我在伊斯坦布尔。Butthe Consulate Security Man must not know that I am in Istanbul.

在北京日本领事馆内,避难的人正在吃饭。Japanese refugees at the Japanese Legation, Peking. March 1st 1912.

随后,俄罗斯领事馆请求与他们见面。Soon afterward, the Russian Consulate requested meetings with them.

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原来他把信送到比利时领事馆去了,而这时收发室也关了。He has taken them to the Belgian Consulate, and the mail has closed.

总统试图隐瞒领事馆事件。The president tried to sweep the embarassing incident under the rug.

们会帮助们准备美国领事馆面签?Will you help us prepare for our interview at the US Consular Office?

驻穗各领事馆官员和外国商会多次到我院考察参观。Consuls and members of foreign chambers ever paid visits to the hospital.

上海领事馆不直接接受申请材料。We do not accept applications submitted directly to the Consulate-general.

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首先通过恢复领事馆建筑风貌,净化周边环境,突出历史建筑的主体地位。The old buildings are renewed and the low-grade constructions are cleaned up.

亿家互联驻美国领事馆祝全国人民新春快乐!E9CHINA people in the United States Consulate General Zhu Quanguo Happy New Year!

去年我们庆祝了上海领事馆复馆30周年。Last year, we celebrated the 30th anniversary of the re-opening of the consulate.