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它有高低起伏,旁征博引,有适时的停顿和沉默。it ebbs and flows, hits a variety of notes, and makes beautiful use of pauses and silence.

为了听他旁征博引、激动人心的演讲结束语,那些听众甚至能等上一整天。He would make audiences wait, even for a day, for his stirring perorations, laced with classical allusions.

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为了听他旁征博引、激动人心的演讲结束语,那些听众甚至能等上一整天。He would make audiences wait, even for a day, for his stirring perorations , laced with classical allusions.

自始至终,罗宾斯旁征博引了我写的大量文章,这让我感到自己非常非常受爱戴。Throughout, Robbins quotes a shocking number of articles I've written, which makes me feel very, very loved.

此书现今最为流行的本子是中华书局于一九七四年出版的由王仲荦先生手自点校的标点本,该书旁征博引,考订精密。The most popular edition of SongShu is the Collating edition by Zhonghua Press in 1974, which was done by Mr. WangZhongLuo himself.

她花了一整页来描写自己少年时对“好莱坞浪漫世界”的痴迷,旁征博引谈论着自己喜爱影片。She devotes a whole page to her adolescent immersion in "the romantic world of Hollywood", discoursing knowledgeably on her favorite films.

这一点是研究该课题的前辈们普遍认同的,所以无需再旁征博引来加以说明了。This fact has been so universally acknowledged by previous writers on the subject that it seems hardly necessary to quote individual opinions.

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要意识到在场的人们盼望你成功。听众愿望你的讲话兴趣昂然、催人向上、旁征博引且幽默风趣。他们不愿看到你把事情搞砸。Realize that humans want you to accomplish. Audiences want you to be absorbing, aesthetic, advisory, and absorbing. They don't wish you to abort.

要意识到在场的人们希望你成功。听众希望你的讲话兴味昂然、催人向上、旁征博引且风趣幽默。他们不愿看到你把事情搞砸。Realize that people want you to succeed. Audiences want you to be interesting, stimulating, informative, entertaining. They don't want you to fail.

要意识到在座的人们希望你乐成。听众希望你的发言兴味昂然、催人向上、旁征博引且滑稽幽默。他们不肯看到你把事情弄砸。Realize that people want you to seed. Audiences want you to be interesting, stimulating, informative, and entertaining. They don't want you to fail.

要意识到在场的人们希望你成功。听众希望你的讲话兴味昂然、催人向上、旁征博引且风趣幽默。他们不愿看到你把事情搞砸。Realize that people want you to succeed. Audiences want you to be interesting, stimulating, informative, and entertaining. They don't want you to fail.

对父母而言,虽不能代替自己的孩子进行社交活动,但他们可以做些力所能及的事对孩子进行旁征博引。For parents , although they can't live their children's social life for them , there are some things they can do to help themselves stay out of the way.

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要意识到在场的人们希望你成功。听众希望你的讲话兴味昂然、催人向上、旁征博引且风趣诙谐。他们不愿看到你把事情搞砸。Realize that people want you to succeed. Audiences want you to be interesting, stimulating, informative , and entertaining. They don't want you to fail.

本文将从修辞学的角度,旁征博引,对该文进行逐字、逐句、逐段地详尽分析,以期对读者阅读和鉴赏该文提供助益。This article analyses the rhetoric word by word, sentence by sentence and paragraph by paragraph with copious quotations so as to help the readers appreciate the essay.

佛雷德伯格从中国的各种消息源旁征博引描述了中国政府对美国的看法以及中国领导人对长远利益重大战略的观点。Friedberg draws extensively from Chinese sources to describe Beijing's view of the United States and the Chinese leadership's conceptions of its long-term interests and probable grand strategy.