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牧师来了,向济济一堂的教友们布了道。The chaplain came and preaches to a packed church.

研讨会上全国的语言学家济济一堂。Linguists from all over the country assembled at the symposium.

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旁边桌上济济一堂着一群中老年,声势却明显压过了我们。Gathered in a table next to a group of older, momentum is obviously pressure off us.

在下午三点演员们陆续到达之前,记者和公关人员在红地毯上济济一堂。Before 3 p.m. when actors begin arriving, reporters and publicists mingle on the carpet.

球队官员认为,他们手下人才济济一堂,足以终结6年颗粒无收的尴尬历史,杀入季后赛。Team officials think they have enough talent to make the playoffs and end a six-year drought.

今年的管理学会在西雅图召开,管理学教师们济济一堂。This year's Academy of Management conference in Seattle was crawling with management teachers.

中国名牌商品博览会,中国最好的商品济济一堂。The Chinese Famous-Brand Commodities Fair contains a collection of the finest commodities in China.

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这是一次精心组织起来的会议。市政厅里济济一堂,热情洋溢,主持会议的是斯特朗先生。This was an intelligently organized and fervent meeting in a packed Town Hall, with Mr. Strong in the chair.

许多业界领导济济一堂,为业界先进企业和创新产品颁发年度奖项。Industry leaders crowded the annual awards luncheon to honor industry leaders and to recognize product innovations.

我在那儿看到的最有意思的地方是大学,那里极为聪明的人才济济一堂,想法也是极为聪明。The most interesting place I saw there was the university, which was full of very clever men, with very clever ideas.

“他们属于不同的社会阶层嘛。”然而,正相反,两家人居然意气相投,克莱夫和莫瑞斯看到他们济济一堂,觉得好笑。But, perhaps out of perversity, the families did get on, and Clive and Maurice found amusement in seeing them together.

来自各地的参赛者济济一堂,都来争夺钓鱼王的称号。Participants from different parts of the world have come to compete and win the prestigious title of the Big Fish Hunter.

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房子年久失修,满是伤感气息,可盖斯凯尔夫妇在时却济济一堂。This house has a kind of melancholy, neglected feel to it today, but when the Gaskells lived here, it was always full of people.

我穿着这件衣服去出席了一个午餐会,会上时装界人士济济一堂。这件衣服果然引起了人们的注意,真让我高兴。I wore the sweater to a luncheon whIch people In the fashIon busIness would attend. To my great pleasure, the sweater was notIced.

许多家庭济济一堂,唱圣诞歌,读圣经里的圣诞故事,然后交换礼物。Many families gather together sing Christmas carols, read the Christmas story from the Bible and then exchange gifts with one another.

百余名大牌明星在慈善演出上济济一堂为海地大地震中的受难的百万灾民筹集善款。More than 100 of the world's biggest stars took part in a charity event to raise money for the millions of people affected by the Haiti earthquake.

一句话,尽管在CES作主题演讲的大腕济济一堂,姓名以粗体显示的贵宾高朋满座,其实真正决定展会导向的人物却并没有露面。In short, despite CES's parade of CEO keynotes and bold-faced name guests, the man who did the most to shape the show was the one who wasn't there at all.

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从初级的管理模式,到引进现代化管理机制的观念嬗变,再到现在人才济济一堂,各献其策,各尽其职。From the primary management mode to present days' bringing in modern management expertise, the company now has abundant talents to offer advice and execute duties.

在知名的业界活动上,IT专业人士济济一堂,当你站在他们面前时你就会知道,你的超级明星计划成功了。When you’re standing up in front of a room full of IT pros at one of the well-known industry events, you’ll know that your plan to become an IT superstar is working.

人民大会堂宴会厅内宾朋济济一堂,气氛喜庆热烈。The guests gathered in the banquet hall, the Great Hall of the People, which was filled with warm and festive atmosphere. The national emblem was placed above the podium.