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在某个午夜梦回。In a midnight dream.

午夜与他见面.Meet him at mid-night.

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午夜的凉意,侵人心田。At midnight, the heart.

盛大的午夜传奇幕布开启!Biggest. Midnight opening.

时近午夜。It was close upon midnight.

你有过午夜之吻吗?Did you get a midnight kiss?

午夜列车的三号车厢。Third boxcar. midnight train.

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午夜前后开始下雪。The snow began about midnight.

当他人仍在午夜狂欢时。While others their revels keep.

在当地素有“午夜公园”之称的维多利亚公园是伦敦第一个公共公园。was London's first public park.

我在午夜时抵达嘉义。I arrived in Chiayi at midnight.

狂欢活动于午夜结束。The revels broke up at midnight.

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午夜的最后一声钟鸣沉寂。The last stroke of midnight dies.

电影一直演到午夜吗?Did the movie go on until midnight?

这一切都发生在昨天午夜。They did it last night at midnight.

现在始与上帝斗,午夜帝胜他归乡。At stroke of midnight God shall win.

差12分到午夜12点。It wants twelve minutes of midnight.

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现在,我们只剩四分钟就到午夜了。We are now four minutes to midnight.

我们一直呆到午夜之后才离去。We lingered on until after midnight.

过了午夜他仍待在那儿。He still stayed there beyond midnight.