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你会是宴会上最枪眼的人物。You are go to be a hit at the party.

足够我来读圣经和等待那个枪眼。Plenty of time to read my Bible and look for a loophole.

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黄维光用身子堵住敌人的枪眼。Huang Jiguang stopped the enemy's bullets with his own body.

那一发凝固汽油弹滚落到了嵌壁枪眼的前方。The napalm rolled over and down the front of the recessed embrasure.

谈判的部长们留在谈桌上的将是密布的枪眼和一戳就破的收尾。The deal ministers left on the table was full of loopholes and loose ends.

水手长乔伯-安德森的脑袋出现在了中间那个枪眼里。The head of Job Anderson , the boatswain, appeared at the middle loophole.

枪眼在胸骨下方几英寸的地方,四周都是血。It was framed by a small circle of blood a few inches below his breastbone.

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水手头上缠满胶带,背上有无数的枪眼。The sailor's head wrapped with tape and innumerable bullet holes on his back.

其实,已有40名女士认为这些照片的枪眼程度都一样。The photos had been already been rated by 40 women as of about equal attractiveness.

这种定义,过于明显的倾向于表意,有太多漏水的枪眼。This definition , notional as it apparently is, has too many loopholes to hold water.

狗跑过去捡拾死兔子,兔子身体的一侧满是密密的枪眼。The dog went off to fetch in the dead rabbit. It was peppered with snots all down one side.

死的都很惨,船长双手被手铐铐住,腹部有两个枪眼。Both died very brutally, the captain with both hands handcuffed together, and two bullet holes in his abdomen.

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学生们说,枪杀开始时,列维•利布雷斯库教授保持冷静,到门前用身体堵住枪眼。When the shooting began, students said Dr. Librescu remained calm and went to the door, barricading it with his body.

剩余的警力在一辆炸弹处理卡车和装甲车边待命,装甲车上有一排小窗户和枪眼。The rest waited in reserve, along with a bomb disposal truck and armored vans lined with tiny windows and gun portals.

另一个海盗企图在枪眼向屋里射击时,自己中弹倒在了地上,此刻正痛苦地躺在那里,手中的枪还在冒烟。Another had been shot at a loophole in the very act of firing into the house, and now lay in agony , the pistol still smoking in his hand.

不过音效很棒,看着一个个毁在自己手中的东西和满墙的枪眼,感觉很爽呀!But sound effects are excellent, watching the destruction in the hands of one of the loopholes in the walls and things, I feel very interesting!

霍夫,他是怎么看待罗伯特肯尼迪的,他还会继续称他为“枪眼”。So if you ask Jimmy Hoffer , who I've interviewed three or four times, what he thought of Robert Kennedy and he proceeds to call him an "A hole".

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太阳西斜,真理部千万扇窗户不再有阳光照耀,变得像碉堡枪眼般阴森可怖。The sun had shifted round, and the myriad windows of the Ministry of Truth, with the light no longer shining on them, looked grim as the loopholes of a fortress.

当安灼拉一拿起他的双响枪,待在他准备好的枪眼前,这时,大家都不说话了。As soon as Enjolras had seized his double-barrelled rifle, and had placed himself in a sort of embrasure which he had reserved for himself, all the rest held their peace.

房屋和防御工事里的枪眼仍然像从前那样威严地正视前方,卸下前车的大炮仍然互相对准着敌方。But the guns remained loaded, the port-holes in the houses and earthworks looked out as menacingly as ever, and the cannons, taken off their platforms, confronted one another as before.