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有两种类型的地政室议定书。There are two types of LAR Protocols.

他地兄弟属于最不入流地政客。6。His brother is a politician of the worst stripe.

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我是政治大学地政系二年级的柯心听。I am a sophomore from Land Economics Department of NCCU.

而事实并非如此,例如,他们缺乏稳定的选举委员会和可信赖的地政局。Haiti lacks a permanent electoral council and reliable land registry, for example.

中国香港特别行政区的地政管理是世界上较为完善的地区之一。Hong Kong of China is one of the most advanced regions on land administration in the world.

地政总署批准在南大屿山兴建村屋之批准书。The approval letter issued by Lands Department for construction of village house in south Lantau.

思想的前100年人类试点地政飞行机上荒唐的想法,月球是一个100年前绘制。The thought of human beings piloting a flying machine that lands on the moon was an absurd idea 100 years ago.

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运用自然人凭证与网站开发工具的结合,建立「地政资料线上申办系统」。This program combines the mechanism of MOICA Card verifying evidence and the tool of network application system.

与传统法律制度转型不同的是,近代地政制度的建立更多地是一种实践中的转型。Unlike the transition of the whole law system, establishment of such system is a kind of transition in practice.

可镀铬后视镜和车门把手添加到配置文件和补充全镀铬地政处环绕的所有车型。Available chromed mirrors and door handles add to the profile and complement the full-chromed DLO surround on all models.

地政总署署长刘励超表示改变制度后可令勾地过程更为顺畅。Director of Lands Patrick Lau Lai-chiu said the adjustment would allow the application list system to operate more smoothly.

少数探险者列探险地政不断回报,而那些没有回来,只有传说死亡和毁灭。Few explorers who set out adventuring the lands ever return, and those that do bring back only tales of death and destruction.

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其次,大陆时代的国民党政府,不仅缺乏土地改革的意志,也完全缺乏实施土地改革所需的户政、地政、执法等基础行政能力。While ruling the mainland, the Nationalist regime lacked not only motivation, but also the capability of carrying out land reform.

包括新村建设征地过程中出现的各种矛盾以及地政部门日常的土地行政。Village land, including building arising in the course of day-to-day conflicts and that the Lands Department of Land Administration.

地政处在一九九七年七月成立铁路发展组,处理各项铁路计划的土地事宜。The Railway Development Section was set up within the department in July 1997 to deal with the land aspects of various railway projects.

地政署调查了十一个省的情况,发现一千五百户大地主平均每户有两千多亩地。This commission, investigating conditions in 11 provinces found that 1500 big 1andlord families owned on an average over 333 acres per family.

再对此三次土地清丈所得数字的质量进行考察,从中分析地政改革的成效。The second, to inspect the quality of the figures derived from the three land census. From those, to analyze the effectiveness of the Land Reform.

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财团法人中国地政研究所保留在无须通知的情况下删除使用者储存或上载于本网站的任何资料之权利。China Research Institute of Land Economics reserves right to remove any information that user has uploaded or saved to this website without prior notice.

圣经地政博物馆在耶路撒冷最近开设了一个新的项目发起的圣经谷学会与以色列外交部。The Bible Lands Museum in Jerusalem recently opened a new project initiated by the Bible Valley Society together with the Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

政府网站上即时提供最新讯息并持续充实网站资讯内容,且提供网路化地政服务带动了资讯分享的正面外部性。The effort of the government in posting crucial information on the website and updating the latest news promotes a positive externality of information publication.