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可不可以日后再填。May I fill in the information later?

那女仆打入玛丽家为同伙日后行窃踩点。The maidservant drummed Mary's house.

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鳕鱼已用盐腌起留着日后吃。The cod was salted away for future use.

我们将给你一个世界末日后的圣诞节。We give you a post-apocalyptic Christmas.

大家考虑好,日后你要是在视频里Think of this as a bad hair day release form.

现在就开始采取行动吧,省得日后追悔莫及。Take action now to avoid that possibility later.

你可以使用这些旧款,并且日后有新款推出你也可以买更好的。You can use these items and often trade up later.

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实际上,这也是他俩日后离婚的原因之一。In fact it's one of the reasons for their divorce.

渡鸦与其他鸦科动物一样,会储存食物,日后享用。Like other corvids, ravens cache food for later use.

你是否愿意在日后收到职业训练局的资料?Do you wish to receive information from VTC in future?

他们将大部分肉用盐腌起来,以备日后用。They salted down most of the meat for their later use.

你现在不下功夫,日后会吃苦头的。If you don't work hard now, you'll suffer for it later.

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但对投资者而言,这是留待日后考虑的问题。That was a problem for another day to investors though.

不管日后如何叱咤风云,任何人都无法在年少时便预知自身的命运。No young man, no matter how great, can know his destiny.

我过完生日后,我们就搬到了位于费尔为尤的一个小屋中。When I had my birthday we moved to a cottage in Fairview.

出现排卵时即认清峰日后,才运用峰日规则。Apply the Peak Rule only after the Peak Day is identified.

供印上日后再次试压日期的预留空位。Reserved space for marking subsequent pressure retest date.

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申请人须保留此条款及细则以作日后参考之用。Please retain the Terms and Conditions for future reference.

秦琼当场表示日后一定帮助唐壁。QinQiong said on the spot in the future must help tang wall.

而且天晓得日后会有什么后果。and in the long run, who knows how it's going to affect you.