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必须有并行工作流。Parallel Workflow is a must.

贡献者并行地工作。Contributors work in parallel.

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它支持并行开发。It supports parallel development.

不要做过多的并行开发。Don't do so much parallell development.

并行计算基于共现算法的推荐引擎Parallel co-occurrence based recommender

但是,机会总是与磨难并行。But with tribulations come opportunities.

从本质上看,这是一种并行算法。This method is a parallel one in essence.

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面向并行编程的模式语言。A Pattern Language for Parallel Programming.

并行程序一次要执行很多操作。A parallel program does many things at once.

第一个是并行的资源分配。The first is concurrent resource allocation.

在本段中,开始执行并行开发。In this section, you do parallel development.

优化并行指令输出。Optimize output by parallelizing instructions.

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这些算法很容易并行执行。These algorithms are very easy to parallelize.

也就是说,软件支持并行工程。So, you see, it supports concurrent engineering.

派生可分出两个或多个并行路径。A fork branches out to two or more parallel paths.

首先,此下载将阻止并行下载。First, this download will block parallel downloads.

每个实用程序都并行地操作多个主机。Each utility operates on multiple hosts in parallel.

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返回此池的目标并行度。Returns the targeted parallelism level of this pool.

修订后的政策和行动计划并行开展工作。The revised policy and action plan work in parallel.

并行备份比串行备份更高效。Parallel backup is more efficient than serial backup.